Things might not be going well for President Joe Biden, but that doesn’t mean they’re going well for Vice President Kamala Harris, his much-disliked VP. In fact, far from stepping up as Biden’s brain looks increasingly like a problem for the Democrats, VP Harris is being asked to “step aside” for the good of the country by the Washington Post.
That request came in a column by Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker. Parker, in an article released on Friday, March 15, argued that VP Harris has become a “burden to the Democratic ticket,” as her overall performance in the roll has been “disappointing” to Americans, thus dragging down Biden’s chances of reelection.
Parker, explaining the Catch-22 created by VP Harris’ presence on the ticket, noted that her unpopularity a problem, but that getting rid of her would be a problem as well. She wrote, “The Kamala conundrum comes down to this: She was picked because she was Black and female, a combo tantamount to job security. Now that she has become a burden to the Democratic ticket, Biden can’t fire her. He can’t risk alienating his base. Full stop. The seriousness of this situation can’t be overstated.”
Continuing, Parker noted that the issues with VP Harris’ presence on the ticket come amidst an increasingly problematic situation for Biden given his seemingly “diminishing” mental faculties and physical abilities. “Biden’s diminishing faculties, notwithstanding his relatively successful State of the Union address, and his increasing physical frailty are concerning,” Parker wrote.
Parker even went so far as to explain how Kamala’s much-derided cackle and word salad speeches turn off voters, saying, “Whatever the reasons, it has seemed that Harris’s role was to be quiet, lest she embarrass her boss with her sometimes inane, rambling remarks and a laugh that erupts from nowhere about nothing obvious to others.”
One such recent awkward Kamala moment came when she visited an abortion clinic and proceeded to crack jokes and let fly with sarcastic comments about women and healthcare. “So everyone get ready for the language…uterus. That part of the body needs a lot of medical care from time to time. Issues like fibroids, we can handle this,” she said.
Further, giving one of her typical word salad speeches, she said, “Breast cancer screenings, contraceptive care, that is the kind of work that happens here. In addition, of course, to abortion care. So to have laws in states that have caused clinics like this to shut down so that women have no access within any reasonable distance of where they live, to get this vital care that is necessary to address their health needs and concerns,”
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Watch her here:
The article, appropriately, was titled, “For the country’s sake, Vice President Harris should step aside.” Harris, however, shows no signs of being ready to put her party and country first and step aside, Rather, she highlighted her willingness to “serve” in a recent Wall Street Journal interview, saying, “I am ready to serve. There’s no question about that.” She also claimed in that interview that anyone who observes her work “walks away fully aware of my capacity to lead.”