Republican Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance has recently been praised for how he handled a hostile interview with ABC News, offering a brilliant rebuttal to an absurd assertion about illegal immigrant gangs in Aurora, Colorado. During the segment, host Martha Raddatz attempted to downplay claims from the Trump-Vance campaign about gangs of illegal immigrants from Venezuela taking over apartment complexes in the Colorado city, claiming that just a “handful” of properties were facing the issue. However, Vance shot back, pointing out how ridiculous the suggestion was.
Bringing up the Trump campaign talking point, Raddatz asked Vance, “So, do you support Donald Trump making those claims that the Republican mayor says were grossly exaggerated and have hurt the city’s identity and sense of safety? I understand what you’re saying that some people left behind. But he’s making these statements that the mayor is flat-out disputing.”
As Vance argued with Raddatz about the illegal immigrant gangs, she interjected stating, “Senator Vance, I’m going to stop you because I know exactly what happened. I’m going to stop you. The incidents were limited to a handful of apartment complexes – apartment complexes and the mayor said our dedicated police officers have acted on those concerns. A handful of problems.”
Trump’s running mate fired back at the ABC host, stating,“Only… Martha, do you hear yourself? Only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by Venezuelan gangs, and Donald Trump is the problem and not Kamala Harris’s open border?”
Subsequently, users on social media praised Vance for his handling of the interview. Sharing a clip of the incident, Breaking911 wrote on X, “VANCE OWNS ABC: “Do you hear yourself?! ‘Only a handful of apartment complexes in America were taken over by Venezuelan gangs?!'” “Donald Trump is the problem and not Kamala Harris’ open border?!”
Others applauded Vance’s ability to handle hostile interviews from the mainstream media, pushing to have him make more appearances. “Please, keep Vance on tv 24/7. What a voice of reason, calm, and collected. Very educated too,” another person said. One user commented, “BREAKING NEWS – ABC anchor Martha Raddatz says it’s perfectly fine if illegal immigrant gangs enter American cities and take over entire apartment complexes. She explains that the real problem is actually white men.”
Another person highlighted how absurd Raddatz’s attempt to downplay the problem was. “Utterly ridiculous. “Only a few innocent people were murdered by illegal aliens who broke the law coming into our country.” Democrats hate Trump more than they love this country,” they wrote. Similarly, another user weighed in, “Unbelievable! I wonder which handful of complexes or houses in her neighborhood she would be ok with being taken over by gangs? This is absolutely outrageous! Big media is corrupted to the core!”
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“So, neither the mayor nor Martha live in the “handful of” complex(s). Apparently the use of the term “invaded” is the problem? Isn’t that exactly what the video showed? As the mayor he thinks he needs to worry about the optics, but I think he needs to be more concerned with the safety and wellbeing of the city residents!” one person said, calling out Democrats for being disconnected from the realities average Americans face.
Watch the interview below:
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.