The Utah State Aggies are going to a bowl after quarterback Levi Williams saved a broken play to throw a 13-yard touchdown pass and win against New Mexico. The college student, well aware that his time as a football player was coming to an end sooner rather than later, wowed fans when he said in a post-game interview that he would attempt to become a Navy SEAL after the season.
The team has now reached three straight bowl games, something that Williams and the rest of the program is proud to say. However, even with one more year of eligibility, Williams will not be returning to the Utah State Aggies next season. Instead, he is striving to achieve what he sees as his higher purpose, defending freedom as an elite operator in the United States military.
Williams offered a few words to KSL Sports Zone to explain his decision and to motivate others to continue to cheer for his soon-to-be former teammates next fall. Williams explained that while he is sad to leave football, the game that he loves, he is also at peace with the fact that someday he will no longer have the opportunity to suit up under the bright lights.
So, instead of waiting for the inevitable for one last season, Williams is choosing to attend Navy SEALs selection. Williams explained, “I love football and it’s so great. But I knew that, eventually, it was going to come to an end.”
After this country has given him so much, like the ability to play football, Williams says that he feels a burning need to give back and defend America from its enemies. Calling it “the best country in the world,” he is going to give everything he can to make it stay that way.
He said, “I just want to be in a spot where I can protect this great country where we get to play football with the freedom to do that. I think this is the best country in the world. So I’d like to keep it that way and protect it as long as I can.”
Coming from a military family, the timing was perfect for Williams, who will be able to make a seamless transition to training and selection. Williams said, “The timeline with training and stuff, it just kind of works out perfectly to get in this year. My mom was Army. My grandparents were Navy and Army. So it kind of runs in the family.”
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He made sure to give his thanks to God and to share his faith during the interview, too, explaining that none of this would have been possible without The Man Upstairs. “This is where God’s calling me. Obviously, we can’t prepare for everything. There’s going to be some unexpected turns along the way. As long you trust God and trust me, I think we’re gonna be alright,” he said.