RFK Jr. has two big advantages over President Joe Biden and one big disadvantage, as is becoming increasingly apparent as the two prepare to battle it out for the nomination. The first advantage is that he largely cares about issues, such as vitality and natural beauty, about which the average person instinctively cares, instead of about whatever the far-left topic of the day is, like Biden. The second advantage is that he’s relatively young and healthy, again in stark contrast to Brandon. The big disadvantage, however, is that the DNC is firmly on Biden’s side and intent on helping him in the 2024 primary, as exposed by RFK Jr. in a recent interview.
In that interview with Fox News Digital, Mr. Kennedy ripped into Biden for not having sufficient “vigor” to handle the “very rigorous job” of being the president of the United States and exposed the DNC’s culpability in covering for Biden by noting that Biden “is up to the job,” but he might get away with not even really campaigning regardless.
Speaking on that issue and what he thinks the average American’s view of Biden is, Mr. Kennedy said, “A lot of people will say that ‘well President Biden is surrounded by very good people who will run the country even if he can’t,’ but I don’t think that’s a good way for democracy to work.”
Continuing, Mr. Kennedy noted that the point of the process is for voters to be able to get a good look at the presidential contender and see if he is up to the demanding job, something Biden is denying them by staying in the background instead of going out and meeting with voters.
“It’s important for the American people to know that their president has the vigor to handle this very rigorous job and I think there are enough doubts about that now that President Biden really needs to come out and have an unscripted meetings and interactions with voters, that he needs to do some town halls and retail politics and hopefully a debate so that the American people can make a choice about whether or not the president is up to the job,” Mr. Kennedy said.
He then got to how the DNC is helping Biden in a very unfair and undemocratic way, saying, “The DNC’s own rules say that they have to be neutral during the election but they are very open about having abandoned their neutrality and they’ve made a series of rules that make it almost — if those rules continue — it makes it almost impossible for anybody except Joe Biden to win the primary process.”
Mr. Kennedy added that “the Democratic Party ought to be a temple for Democracy. It ought to be role modeling democracy. Most Americans assume that the candidate who wins should be the candidate who gets the most votes and that we should have rules that actually reflect that assumption.”
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Despite Mr, Kennedy’s cajoling and the very obvious doubts many Americans have about his mental and physical fitness, Biden has so far done little to reassure people that he has what it takes to do the job instead of relying on a shadow government of bureaucrats to do it for him.