President Biden tried once again to make America’s current, dismal economic circumstances look like the best thing since sliced bread, posting on his official Twitter account about how many “jobs” have been created by his administration. In his words:
We’ve created 10.5 million jobs since I took office – more than any Administration in history at this point in a presidency.
And I’m proud 750,000 of those are manufacturing jobs.
Ignored there was that those job numbers rose because of the recovery from the Covid lockdowns and the havoc they wreaked in the job market and economy. Fortunately, Twitter’s fact-checking feature was there to add some “context” to Brandon’s tweet, saying:
Accurate: +10.5M jobs since 1/2021
Also accurate: Only +1.4M jobs since 1/2020
How is that possible? 22M jobs lost in Mar & Apr of 2020 (COVID). We didn’t return to pre-COVID employment numbers until April of 2022.
(Also accurate: +12M jobs in 8 months pre-Biden)
Yet better was that the fact-check, as a source, cited the government’s own information against Brandon, citing this report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
People piled on in the comments, making much the same point as the fact-check. Some of those anti-Biden responses included:
“Uh huh. You mean jobs that came back after the COVID lockdowns?”
“See the thing about creation is that it doesn’t really count if those jobs already existed. You just allowed people back to work after covid.”
“Biden has created record inflation, record high gas prices, failing schools, failing supply chains and has caused Americans to not trust their government. Biden is the worst President in my lifetime of 58 years!”
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“Yawn, you sold America out to enrich your family and are now destroying our Country. Joe Biden didn’t write this.”
“Step 1: Lock down the entire economy and get everyone fired.
Step 2: Re-open the economy and allow people to return to their jobs.
Step 3: Claim you’ve created “more jobs than any Administration in history.”
Also bad for Biden was that the Twitter files dropped around the same time as his post, so people chimed in to say things like “There are files that prove there was interference in your campaign back in 2020, check twitter files!”
All in all, not a great post by Biden or reaction to it.
This isn’t the first time that Biden has been censored, however. He was censored as well when, shortly before midterms, he posted a tweet saying “Seniors are getting the biggest increase in their Social Security checks in ten years through President Biden’s leadership.” The fact-check on that tweet included a note saying that the increase in Social Security payments is due to a law that President Nixon signed tying Social Security payments to the consumer price index, which ostensibly tracks inflation, something that has been up tremendously under Biden.
That tweet was later deleted after Biden had been savaged for it and mocked over the fact-check.