Rep. Dan Crenshaw recently attacked those conservatives that refuse to vote for Rep. Kevin “Maybe a RINO, We’re Not Really Quite Sure Anymore” McCarthy, who desperately wants to become Speaker of the House but is being held back from doing so by a group of 20 Republicans who would prefer Rep. Jim Jordan or Rep. Donalds.
While many just brushed Crenshaw’s comment off as another rambling from a RINO, Tucker used it to expose the “snarling face of the donor class” and show what the elites that compose that class think of those who resent their rule. Watch him do so here:
As you can hear in the clip, Tucker tore into Crenshaw’s comment and exposed how it’s yet another step on the path to weaponizing the security state against conservative dissidents, saying:
“They’re terrorists now? It’s hard not to see the connection, because over the past few years pretty much every part of the war on terror has been turned against the domestic political enemies of the neocons.What you just saw is the snarling face of the donor class.”
“So now they’re coming out and telling you what they told you about Iraq: Either you’re with us or against us. You’re on the side of light or darkness. You’re good or evil.”
Adding to that, he said “Dan Crenshaw went all the way, as neocons always do, he proceeded to go to CNN to call his political opponents enemies of the state.”
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Tucker then pointed out that the people refusing to back McCarthy are doing so because they “have real concerns” and that their motives shouldn’t be impugned. In his words:
“No matter how you feel, you have to acknowledge, if you’re being honest, that people who don’t like Kevin McCarthy have a reason for that. They have real concerns, real issues, but you’ll notice that Dan Crenshaw didn’t address any of those, none of them, instead he impugned their motives, their character, their intelligence, their moral standards.”
Ending his brutal takedown of Eyepatch McCain, Tucker then said “What you just saw as Dan Crenshaw just spoke, what you just saw is the snarling face of the donor class, revealed for all to see finally,” Carlson said. “The deep loathing of disobedient voters that may be their most passionate secret emotion. They’re not bothering to hide that emotion anymore. Now you know how they really feel.”
For reference, the fight began when Rep. Crenshaw, speaking on the Guy Benson show about the current situation in the House and its inability to elect McCarthy as Speaker of the House, said “We cannot let the terrorists win,” a clip Tucker played during his attack on Crenshaw.
Later, Crenshaw told reporters who asked about the criticism of his “terrorists” comment “It’s a figure of speech. People need to lighten up and grow some fucking thick skin. That’s what I think about that. I am so sick of like these hurt feelings. I already got criticized earlier because I called them something else. You know what? You step into the octagon, be ready to get punched in the face.”
Similarly, he tweeted “Unclutch your pearls. It’s a figure of speech. You can’t insult, slander, and hold everyone hostage with no way out – and not expect me to punch back. Grow thicker skin.”
Tucker part of the Featured Image credit: screengrab from embedded Rumble video