Speaking during an interview with Fox News Channel’s Brian Kilmeade, UFC CEO Dana White, a known MAGA man and Trump supporter, heartily praised former President Donald Trump. That came on the night of Saturday, June 8, when White appeared on FNC’s “One Nation,” explaining how he perceives Trump’s fighting ability and heart.
As background, White has been connected to Trump for decades and spoke on his behalf in 2016. The two are regularly seen together, namely when the former president attends UFC fights and receives the roaring applause of the crowd and often the attention of the fighters.
Kilmead, kicking off the conversation, noted that White knows much about fighters and their fighting spirit, and asking what he thinks about Trump when that analysis of fighters and their hearts is applied to the former President. He asked, “You know a fighter’s heart. You stare in more fighters’ eyes than anybody else to see what’s in there. Where does he rank at 77?”
Replying, White said that Trump is, despite his age, “number one.” He then added that Trump is one of the greatest fighters ever and is incredibly resilient, far more so than most. White said, “Number one. Number one. Take any of the greatest fighters of all-time, Trump is number one. The most resilient human being that I’ve ever met in my life.”
When Kilmeade asked in what respect Trump is resilient and a fighter, White noted that Trump keeps going and fighting for his political beliefs even when the regime is going on the offensive against him and he could easily retire. White said, “Why keep doing this? You know, you’ve got money. You’ve got a great life … Why keep doing this?”
Continuing, White added that Trump obviously loves America and cares deeply about the people in it, saying, “And the one thing that I can tell you — and this is a fact — this guy loves this country, right? And he loves all Americans, regardless of what color, religion or whatever it is. He’s not a racist. He’s a good human being, and he loves America, and he cares about this country. Period. End of story.”
Watch White speak about Trump here:
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White said much the same thing about Trump being a resolute fighter when he spoke on his behalf in 2016, saying, “I’ve been in the fight business my whole life. I know fighters.” Continuing, White pledged that Trump would go all in fighting for America, saying, “Ladies and gentlemen, Donald Trump is a fighter, and I know he’ll fight for this country.”
White also noted that Trump had good sense and saw the potential that the UFC had when many others thought otherwise, telling the crowd, “Arenas around the world refused to host our events. Nobody took us seriously; nobody except Donald Trump. Donald was the first guy that recognized the potential that we saw in the UFC and encouraged us to build our business.”
Further, White noted that Trump’s happiness at the success of his friends showed that would be a loyal champion for America, saying, “In my opinion, you can really tell a person’s true character when they’re happy for somebody else’s success. And I think that sense of loyalty and commitment will translate into how [Trump] will run this country.”