Former President Donald Trump recently secured a decisive victory at the Iowas Caucuses, beating other Republican primary candidates by a massive margin. During his victory speech, Trump honored Melania’s late mother, who recently passed away, visibly showing emotion.
“I think most importantly, I want to thank my incredible wife, first lady, I’ll say former and maybe future, but more important than Melania, I want to thank her incredible, beautiful mother who passed away a few days ago,” Trump said, with a noticeable shift in his demeanor.
The former president added, “And she’s up there, way up there. She’s looking down and she’s so proud of us. And I just want to say to Amalia, you are special, one of the most special people I’ve ever known. And that was a tough period of time for the family. But she’s amazing. She was amazing. So I just want to thank what she’s done for our family and her husband.”
Trump continued, “They’re great people, great, great parents to all of us, really great parents.” Trump also honored her job as a grandmother, discussing how she fed and cared for his son, Barron. “Boy, did she take care of Barron. That’s how he got so tall. He only ate her food.”
Trump continued showing gratitude toward his family, particularly in the face of the rampant hatred they have faced from the leading Republican candidate’s disruption of politics since his first presidential campaign. “I want to thank my family. Generally, they’ve worked so hard and they’ve taken so much abuse for being good people. I mean, good people. But Eric and Don, it really did. These two have been working so hard and they you know, they have another job also. So they have to do it all,” he said.
Trump also thanked the Iowans who showed up in support of the former president, noting that it is time to bring the country together. “I want to thank everybody. This has been some period of time. And most importantly, we want to thank the great people of Iowa. Thank you. We love you all. What a turnout. What a crowd. And I really think this is time now for everybody, our country, to come together. We want to come together, whether it’s a Republican or a Democrat or liberal or conservative,” Trump said.
Donald Trump doubled down, offering an inspiring message for the country, drawing on themes of unification in a time of incessant political polarization. Trump vowed to bring an end to the ongoing “death and destruction” that is occurring.
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“If it would be so nice if we could come together and straighten out the world and straighten out the problems and straighten out all of the death and destruction that we’re witnessing, that’s practically never been like this. It’s just so important. And I want to make that a very big part of our message. We’re going to come together. It’s going to happen soon too,” he claimed in his powerful speech.
Watch him here: