During his critically acclaimed appearance on Fox News host Greg Gutfeld’s popular show, “Gutfeld!,” former President Donald Trump called out radio shock jock Howard Stern, claiming his ratings have tanked as the famous radio show host has increasingly embraced woke politics in recent years. Stern, who has long been critical of Trump, has caught backlash for claiming he hated Trump supporters.
Trump began, noting that he has been on Howard Stern’s show many times over the years. “I know some of them, like Howard, I was on Howard Stern as much as anybody, and he was great at that time, and then he went woke,” Trump said during the segment with Gutfeld. “Since he’s gone woke his ratings have gone down the tubes, and he sort of went anti-Trump for a couple of reasons, but I was on his show a lot. He has a best of, the best of Howard Stern, I don’t want to promote it, necessarily, but I was there for just about all of them,” he added.
Now that the dynamic between him and Stern has grown tense, the Republican presidential candidate said the “good shows” he used to enjoy with Stern are long gone. Trump maintained that Stern has evolved over the years and, as a result, his ratings have suffered immensely. “He’s changed, and he doesn’t do the ratings anymore,” Trump said.
Stern recently sparked controversy after he made comments that he hates Trump supporters and has no respect for them whatsoever. “I don’t agree with Trump politically, I don’t think he should be anywhere near the White House. I don’t hate the guy. I hate the people who vote for him. I think they’re stupid. I do. I’ll be honest with you, I have no respect for you,” Stern said.
The radio host echoed the same sentiment during the last election as well, expressing the same hatred toward Republican voters. “I don’t hate Donald. I hate you for voting for him, for not having intelligence. For not being able to see what’s going on with the coronavirus, for not being able to see what the Justice Department is doing. I hate you. I don’t want you here,” he said.
During his critically acclaimed appearance on Gutfeld’s show, former President Trump also spoke about the first failed assassination attempt against him in July and how that has caused him to think more about God. “So if you want to be president, I have a lot of friends that wanted to run. They’re thinking about maybe not doing it. But here’s the only good thing is that it’s always a consequential president that gets shot at,” Trump began.
He added, “And fortunately, so far, I’ve been very lucky, or something is greater than all of us up there, maybe watching over us,” Trump said. I do think more about God, because, okay, Butler was really the greatest of all American if I’m not looking over there and I mean a full turn exactly 90 degrees, I wouldn’t be here right now.”
Watch Trump below:
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