In an epic move on Wednesday, January 29, President Donald Trump took yet more action against the members of the so-called “intelligence community” he sees as having interfered with the 2020 election by lying about the Hunter Biden laptop, banning some of the key men in that letter and scandal from all federal buildings.
The headline men banned were three intelligence community Swamp Creatures best known for their Trump Derangement Syndrome, or TDS. Thos men are former CIA Director John Brennan, former National Security Advisor John Bolton, and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. They have been banned from all secure federal buildings.
This move comes after Trump stripped them of their security clearances in a day one executive order in which he said, accurately, “In the closing weeks of the 2020 Presidential campaign, at least 51 former intelligence officials coordinated with the Biden campaign to issue a letter discrediting the reporting that President Joseph R. Biden’s son had abandoned his laptop at a computer repair business. Signatories of the letter falsely suggested that the news story was part of a Russian disinformation campaign.”
The latest move, banning them from secure federal facilities, came in the form of a cabinet memo sent around on January 29. In the memo, which the Daily Wire reports was sent “on behalf of the President,” President Trump ordered America’s intelligence and national security agencies to “revoke unescorted access to secure U.S. Government facilities from the 50 former intelligence officials named in the Executive Order.”
The memo further adds that they have no need to access those facilities anymore and, in any case, don’t have the appropriate security clearances. “These individuals no longer possess a need to access secure facilities, and as outlined in the Executive Order, do not have the appropriate security clearances to access classified information,” the Daily Wire reports the memo provides.
Concluding, the memo states, “This memorandum is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.”
Trump, commenting in his Day One memo on why he was taking action against men like Brennan and Clapper, said, “Federal policymakers must be able to rely on analysis conducted by the Intelligence Community and be confident that it is accurate, crafted with professionalism, and free from politically motivated engineering to affect political outcomes in the United States. The signatories willfully weaponized the gravitas of the Intelligence Community to manipulate the political process and undermine our democratic institutions.”
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He added, “This fabrication of the imprimatur of the Intelligence Community to suppress information essential to the American people during a Presidential election is an egregious breach of trust reminiscent of a third world country. And now the faith of Americans in all other patriotic intelligence professionals who are sworn to protect the Nation has been imperiled.”
And, commenting on Bolton, he said, “National security is also damaged by the publication of classified information. Former National Security Advisor John R. Bolton published a memoir for monetary gain after he was terminated from his White House position in 2019. The book was rife with sensitive information drawn from his time in government. The memoir’s reckless treatment of sensitive information undermined the ability of future presidents to request and obtain candid advice on matters of national security from their staff. Publication also created a grave risk that classified material was publicly exposed.”
John Brennan freaked out when his security clearance was revoked. Watch him here: