A beach in Brazil was the scene of a horrible tragedy for an evangelist family, as the father, Pastor Felisberto Sampaio, and mother, Inalda Sampaio, both in their early 40s, died while trying to save their young teen son from drowning at the beach.
The incident occurred on January 10, when the couple’s 13-year-old son, Ian Sampaio, was struggling in the rough surf off of Camacari beach. That’s a beach in the state of Paraiba’s Metropolitan Region of Joao Pessoa. Sadly, both Pastor Felisberto and Inalda died before reaching their son, but Ian was rescued by another family member and a fisherman.
Pastor Felisberto was, before his passing, an evangelist leader in the region’s Quixaba congregation. There for 12 years, he was, at the time of his death, the coordinator and professor of the Sunday Biblical School at the congregation, and was treasurer and secretary of the Assembly of God Church in Quixaba. His wife was involved in the congregation as well, serving as the women’s group leader and the second coordinator of the field.
Following the horrible tragedy, the Convention of Ministers of the Evangelical Church Assembly of God in Campina Grande/Paraiba State, which goes by the unwieldy acronym COMEAD-CGPB, published a powerful tribute to the passed pastor and his wife, expressing its condolences.
In that tribute, COMEAD-CGPB said, “The couple had served the Lord for about 17 years and were loved by the entire church. We express our sincere condolences and ask for the prayers of the church for the entire bereaved family, so that the Holy Spirit may comfort their hearts at this time.”
The General Convention of the Assemblies of God in Brazil (CGADB) also joined in and published a powerful, Scripture-based message of condolence for the family, saying, “In this moment of pain and separation, the Board of Directors of CGADB sympathizes with family and friends, asking the Holy Spirit of God to console, comfort and strengthen them. ‘Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints. Psalms 116.15.‘”
And it wasn’t just congregations that joined in and offered condolences for the fallen pastor and his wife. For example, on Instagram, user isaias885345, who claimed the fallen evangelist was a big friend, said, “May the God of consolation console all family and friends[.] [S]peechless friend.”
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Similarly, another user m.a.t.e.u.s.23, wrote, “I cannot describe the size of the shock that I had[.] [M]y feelings to the friend[‘]s brothers from all over the field of Catolé de Boa Vist[.] Sister lnalda and brother Beto left their legacy as Christians, a model example of Christian[.] I have no words to express such grief and anguish that I feel at this moment, the entire church of Quixaba is in mourning.”
Still another user, jocelitodantas, commented that the passed pastor and his wife are examples of men and women of God, posting, “An example of a man of God, a devoted father, and an exemplary husband[.] [S]ister Inalda, a holy woman of God[.] [M]ay the Lord Jesus Christ console all her family and friends. [I] had the honor of shepherding this family for 3 years[.] [R]est in peace, Ev. Beto and sister Inalda.”