A massive Christian revival is currently taking place all across America. Plenty of college campuses like Baylor and Auburn University have seen thousands of students hand their lives over to God in days-long celebrations of prayer and faith. While that movement was most prominent in the South, the entire country is experiencing its most recent faith revival.
In New York City, a group that appears to be in the thousands gathered to worship God in a city that is so far gone that it seems it can only be saved by a strong resurgence of the Christian faith. From the X account DrMalachi.eth, the word was shared about a massive crowd singing and praying in Jesus’ name.
Videos of the event show an awe-inspiring crowd gathered to listen to speakers and musicians as they stand in near defiance of the outward distrust for Christianity that so many people in power seem to have today.
One anthem RESONATED in Heaven & on the Earth
HOLY. HOLY. HOLY. HOLY. HOLY. @mikesignorelli_ @v1church #DominoRevival pic.twitter.com/vRFkmrn732
— DrMalachi.eth – (Dr. Run) – Marathon Every Day (@malachiobrien) November 7, 2023
If a city ever needed to go through a massive worship celebration like the one witnessed above, New York City is near the top of the list. Rampant crime and worsening living conditions have led many of its residents to feel trapped and hopeless.
Among those residents who bolstered the city with their wealth and means, many are beginning to flee due to the lack of safety and the destitute state of the streets and sidewalks of the Big Apple.
As The American Tribune reported, plenty of wealthy people have left New York City in search of better places to live. Oftentimes, that leaves them knocking on the door of red states, which are often eager to allow them in.
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According to a Bloomberg study on migration, this trend is still ongoing. The study wrote, “We constructed near real-time estimates of domestic migration flows and found that pandemic migration trends are not reversing. Since the first quarter of 2023, the data “suggests that cities that saw a large influx of people during the pandemic have still been growing faster than other cities in recent quarters.”
With any luck, a greater sense of community found through Faith in God can bring about the change that New York City so desperately needs. The prayer and worship movement that is currently sweeping through America has the opportunity to make real changes to America’s once-great cities that have fallen to near unlivable standards in recent years.
The massive group seen worshipping downtown is reminiscent of Revelation 14:7, which says, “He said in a loud voice, ‘Fear God and give him glory, because the hour of his judgment has come. Worship him who made the heavens, the earth, the sea and the springs of water.'”
Ironically, this burst of Faith in New York City may be the only thing left that could save the city from its own end times, as crippling crime and mismanagement have left millions of its residents miserable but with nowhere else to go.
The featured image is a screenshot from an embedded Tweet.