The crisis at the Southern Border rages on, and there seems to be no simple solution. Republican Governors have bussed migrants to sanctuary cities, sanctuary cities have begged the White House for help, and opportunists like AOC have stood in the void, shilling for failed Democratic policies while playing the blame game with the GOP.
Unfortunately, pointing fingers has done absolutely nothing to quell the growing humanitarian disaster brought about by Joe Biden’s failed border policies. It is hard to blame southern governors like Texas Republican Greg Abbott. Abbott has seen Texas overwhelmed by the surge in illegal immigration, and with the federal government offering more resistance than ideas, many felt like the bussing of migrants was both a political move and out of necessity.
Joe Biden isn’t the only person in Washington who shoulders the blame for what is happening regarding immigration. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has come under considerable fire for his role in the unmitigated disaster that is our southern border. There have even been rumblings of potential impeachment for the DHS head.
Count new House Speaker Mike Johnson among those critical of Mayorkas and his handling of the border. Johnson and a number of GOP lawmakers recently visited the Texas border and came away with impeachment in mind for Mayorkas. Johnson spoke specifically of the increase in human trafficking.
He said: “Anyone with a conscience who came down to see this would demand that it stop.” While Johnson was demanding accountability from Mayorkas, the leftist host of CBS’ “Face the Nation” played apologist for Mayorkas and his failings at the border. She asked: “But these are very, very real and immediate issues, what you’re talking about. It is a crisis, so don’t you need the help of the Homeland Security secretary instead of trying to impeach him?”
The CBS host would have a valid question if Mayorkas were doing his job with any level of effectiveness. Instead, by all outward appearances, the DHS head wants illegal immigration. Johnson replied: “We’ve been asking Secretary Mayorkas to do his job since he gained office, and he’s done exactly the opposite. He’s testified untruthfully before Congress repeatedly.”
Despite the protests from the CBS host, who said, “But why focus the congressional resources on going ahead with an impeachment when they could be dealing with the actual issues here on the ground?” Johnson laid out his case for Mayorkas to hit the unemployment line when he replied: “I believe Secretary Mayorkas is an abject failure, but it’s not because of incompetence. I believe he has done this intentionally. I think these are intentional policy decisions that he has made, and I think there must be accountability for that.” Watch him here:
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What this administration has done is intentional, according to many in the GOP like Mike Johnson. The administration intentionally reversed the effective policies of President Trump, thus creating the never-before-seen crisis at the border. Someone must be held accountable. Hopefully, it is Mayorkas now and Biden in November.