Following up on his previous, rage-filled posts about Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment of a Special Counsel to look into him, former President Donald Trump ripped into both what he characterized as a hypocritical DOJ that would investigate him but not Hunter and what he sees as the bias of the Special Counsel appointed to investigate him, Jack Smith.
Posting about both of those topics two days ago, for example, Trump said: “Joe Biden said he is running for President, so why isn’t he appointing a Special Counsel to look into the criminal actions of him and his son, Hunter? There has never been anything like it in the history of our Country, and amazingly, it is perfectly documented for all to see. Maybe Trump Hater Jack Smith, who should never be allowed to work on anything having to do with me because of his and his family’s anger, hatred, and bias, should be looking into the Biden Crime Family instead? Great idea!”
Trump also said, when commenting on a Washington Examiner article about Jack Smith being involved in the Louis Lerner, IRS scandal of the Obama days, that the DOJ is is corrupt and again characterized Jack Smith as a “Trump Hater,” saying:
This sounds fair, doesn’t it? The “Justice” Department is CORRUPT. Offered Christopher Steele $1,000,000 to lie about me, paid Russian a fortune to “get Trump,” told Facebook not to mention the Hunter Biden Laptop before the Election, “it was Russian disinformation,” when they KNEW it was not. Is Trump Hater Jack Smith going to investigate that? Will his Trump Hating boss, Lisa M, allow him to investigate the reason for January 6th, the corrupt 2020 Election, or the troops I recommended be sent?
Trump isn’t the only one to attack Smith for perceived bias. Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, for example, said “This guy is not an independent counsel. He’s a left wing hatchet man. I think the Justice Department figured out that when Trump announced for president that they couldn’t just continue the normal process, because they have always avoided prosecuting candidates,”
Trump also, in his multi-day series of posts and reposts about the DOJ and Special Counsel, tore into Democrat-appointed judges for their bias, saying:
When a Republican Judge or Justice is proudly appointed by a Republican, he or she will ALMOST always go out of their way to make a point, even in a decision, that they are in no way “beholden” to the person or party that gave them this great honor. When a Democrat Judge or Justice, especially a Radical Left one, is proudly appointed by a Democrat, he or she just doesn’t care, it is ALMOST impossible to get a fair decision on a case if you are a Republican. Sorry, but that’s just the way it is!
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Moving to a different case, the one against him in New York, Trump claimed that prosecutors quit because of how he is being treated, saying:
Supposedly, a number of prosecutors in the Manhattan D.A.’s Office quit their jobs because they thought I was being treated so badly – The case was not fair or good, especially in light of the record setting violent crime taking place in New York City, which the Office is unable to prosecute, too much time on Trump. No such Fringe Benefits case as this has EVER been brought in the USA. Legal experts say this case should be dismissed, no finding or wrongdoing against Trump Companies. Thank you!
Garland, when announcing the Special Counsel investigation into Trump, said:
“Based on recent developments, including the former President’s announcement that he is a candidate for President in the next election, and the sitting President’s stated intention to be a candidate as well, I have concluded that it is in the public interest to appoint a special counsel. Such an appointment underscores the Department’s commitment to both independence and accountability in particularly sensitive matters. It also allows prosecutors and agents to continue their work expeditiously, and to make decisions indisputably guided only by the facts and the law.”