Whoopi Goldberg is one of the more offensive and grotesque personalities on television, and that is truly an accomplishment in a world that still employs Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel and Trevor Noah. The difference is at least one of the aforementioned comics will illicit an occasional accidental chuckle. Goldberg however can’t seem to stop making racist, antisemitic statements and doubling down on them. It should be recalled that Goldberg, despite her fake Jewish last name decided to make some very controversial comments on the Holocaust, only to be suspended by ABC and issue a weak apology. Recently in an interview with a British news outlet, Whoopi stupidly decided to double down on those comments as if there was no such thing as the internet. Apparently, fans have finally had enough of the cantankerous old hen and are demanding she be replaced with another cantankerous old hen. Check this out.
Earlier this week Whoopi Goldberg was being slammed for making more “offensive” comments about the Holocaust and once again suggesting that it was not originally about race. While she has since apologized, the backlash against her has continued, and calls are growing for ABC to fire her from “The View” and replace her with Rosie O’Donnell.
Fire Whoopi Goldberg!
Take Action
https://t.co/1eJKi2krSv pic.twitter.com/Gi5t3x5Dhq
— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) December 30, 2022
So, what did Whoopi say that was so egregious that a caustic old relic like O’Donnell is being floated about as a replacement?
Goldberg has found herself in hot water for the latest comments that she made about the Holocaust, saying, “My best friend said, ‘Not for nothing is there no box on the census for the Jewish race. So that leads me to believe that we’re probably not a race.’”
When she was told that the Nazis thought the Holocaust was about race, Goldberg replied, “Yes, but that’s the killer, isn’t it?” The oppressor is telling you what you are. Why are you believing them? They’re Nazis. Why believe what they’re saying?”
Antisemite Whoopi Goldberg, always one to inject race into an issue, has tried to walk back her disgusting comments about the Holocaust.
Pressure is mounting for ABC to fire her from The View and righty so.
With antisemitism on the rise, ABC must make an example out of Whoopi. pic.twitter.com/xJvDY2pSRz
— Robert Cornicelli for America First (@cornicelliny) December 28, 2022
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“Remember who they were killing first. They were not killing racial; they were killing physical,” she said. “They were killing people they considered to be mentally defective. And then they made this decision.”
Whoopi, or maybe we should call her “Whoopsi” apologized again, sort of, and tried to clarify what she said. Unfortunately, you can’t get the pee out of the pool, and the internet never forgets, so here we are possibly facing down the terrifying Rosie O’Donnell. The plus side? If Rosie actually replaces Whoopi, with the specter of Donald Trump looming on the horizon, at least The View will provide even more hilarious fodder for conservative commentators everywhere. Fans on Reddit appear to be all in on the possible change.
“Whoopi who I love, once again said something really dumb and ABC has to be angry,” it continued. “If she’s fired, should they get Rosie O’Donnell back as mod? She was good TV, IMO.”
Many fans were quick to agree, with one writing, “I would love for Rosie to come back, if only to see how she would handle the Sunny issue. I also think it would be interesting to see how she interacts with Farrah. Her and Elizabeth were on opposite sides politically, but did get along quite well for a while.”
“I would love Rosie to come back!!” commented a third user, with another adding, “Bring Rosie back!!! Love her. Even as a special correspondent!”
While the switch would be akin to choosing a punch in the throat to a kick in the groin, the switch SHOULD be made. If ABC is serious about antisemitism and the Jewish community, Whoopi Goldberg needs to be shown the door and replaced. If not by O’Donnell, then a mop with a bucket on its head is preferable, and likely more intelligent than Whoopi Goldberg.