Since people have to find a reason to complain, even in the aftermath of a thrilling Super Bowl victory, the Kansas City Chiefs and quarterback Patrick Mahomes are catching some heat for catching a buzz during their Super Bowl victory parade last week.
Most players in the NFL never get to even taste a playoff win, no less celebrate a Super Bowl victory, so the desire to knock back a couple tall boys during the parade celebration doesn’t seem like a big ask, even if it is Coors Light.
Apparently for those in the Kansas City area that look to athletes to help raise their kids, that was a little too much. The letters to the Kansas City Star prompted the outrageous headline “Kansas City loves Mahomes and the Chiefs. Our kids didn’t need to see them swill beer.” Anything for clicks. Fox News had this to say:
Patrick Mahomes and his Kansas City Chiefs teammates celebrated their latest Super Bowl title on Wednesday. The beers flowed and confetti poured on the champions as they moved to the beat of their own drum.
Mahomes and the boys partied hard last week. The two-time Super Bowl MVP was seen accidentally giving the Vince Lombardi Trophy to a fan and walking away. Luckily, the trophy actually turned out to be a replica.
However, not every Chiefs fan was pleased with the behavior.
A series of letters to the editor was published in the Kansas City Star on Sunday, and fans who wrote in expressed their dismay to the beer-drinking celebration. One person wrote that Andy Reid should not have allowed it to happen.
Patrick Mahomes vibing at the Chiefs parade rn
— Pickswise (@Pickswise) February 15, 2023
The players bleed, sweat, and sacrifice for more than half a year to bring a Lombardi home and there are still some buzzkill people that aren’t satisfied. While Andy Reid is the coach, he isn’t their father and if the city was allowing alcohol consumption, the actual players shouldn’t be held to a higher standard than Joey bag-o-donuts knocking back brewskies watching the parade. Fox continued:
“The main reason is that a drinking Chief is not a good role model for young fans who are there to see their heroes. Second, even the adult fans don’t want to see drunken players at this important celebration. Third, tragic things happen when drinking is involved,” the person wrote.
“Some Chiefs even bragged through social media about how drunk they were afterward. I am ashamed that players I cheered for could barely walk after they got off the bus. No doubt this spectacle made the news in other cities.”
Another person had an issue with the message it may be sending to young fans.
“Next time there’s a victory parade, please imbibe your alcohol privately and discreetly. Impressionable young people deserve better role models than what you’ve displayed twice.”
Other cities were undoubtedly watching. Watching in jealousy that is. Any NFL city in the league would’ve been overjoyed to be hosting a Super Bowl parade, beer or no beer. Perhaps Chiefs fans are just spoiled.
It should be noted that if you are relying on professional athletes to be role models for your kids, perhaps you should look in the mirror and see if you can fill that role yourself, since they are your kids and all.
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Considering what these athletes put in their bodies on a weekly basis just to stay on the field (do you think Patrick Mahomes second half performance was a miracle or Toradol?), a few cold Silver Bullets after a brutal six months is a small deal. Perhaps if these fussbudget fans are so upset, maybe they should just tune into the WNBA. I hear Brittney is back anyway.