Fox News commentator Jessica Tarlov has received backlash following the criticism she delivered toward former President Donald Trump and his confusion toward Vice President Kamala Harris’ racial identity earlier in the summer. During an appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), Trump question whether Harris was Black or Indian.
During an appearance on Fox News, Tarlov criticized former President Trump for his comment at the conference, labeling it as “offensive.” She said, “And then his response that she used to be Indian and is now somehow Black was offensive no matter the color.” However, a fellow journalist on the panel pointed out where the confusion may lie. “She has an Indian mother and a Jamaican father … So those are two different backgrounds.”
Tarlov further criticized Trump’s supposed stance toward the black community. “This is somebody whose overtures to the black community have consisted of things like, you know, I’m in the sneaker business, they’ll love that, or I have more convictions now, now that I’m a felon, maybe blacks will like me more,” she said.
Moreover, Tarlov suggested that Trump displaying his “unfiltered” nature during the panel would be detrimental to his support, particularly among the black community. “So I understand the standoffishness, and I think it’s great that he went and did it, and that people could see it unfiltered, how he actually thinks about these issues, how he thinks about his own record, how he talks about other black Americans,” she further lamented.
“American Conservatives stop watching Fox News and all these liberal news media platforms. We can’t be paying their salaries any longer. They’re not worthy of US,” one user wrote on X. “Jessica Tarlov should lose her journalist license for breaking the journalist code of ethics,” another added.
“We all have been saying for days that Tarlov has to go. No one will watch The Five when she is on. Then I happened to catch this attack today by Tarlov today on Martha McCallum. Martha never raises her voice or gets mad but you could see how upset she was at Tarlov,” another person said.
Another user echoed the same sentiment, questioning why Tarlov, along with other journalists in the mainstream media haven’t been held accountable to principles of journalistic integrity. “There’s a journalist license and code of ethics??? Why hasn’t this been evoked from day one of Trump’s term… they were all combative and nasty and hateful,” they wrote.
Commenting on the clip of Tarlov, another person suggested that journalism has devolved into propaganda. “The entire world is void of “journalism” at this point. Everything is propaganda and the most scarce resource at this moment in time is the truth,” they said.
“Wow. I never realized that journalists had a code of ethics! Was their code of ethics common centuries ago and then fell through the chasms created by the media? Or is just a joke?” another user added, discussing concerns around journalistic integrity.
Watch Tarlov below:
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.