Relationships are hard enough to keep together, but it’s almost impossible when you are constantly in the spotlight. Musicians, athletes, celebrities, and even politicians have difficulty making anything long-term work. The demands of being on the road and the temptations involved with being in the spotlight are more often than not too much to overcome.
Unless, of course, you are Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell. They are one of the most endearing, beloved couples in Hollywood, and they are also one of the most enduring. Despite, or perhaps because they never married, Hawn and Russell have been together for over four decades and are still going strong. Recently, Russell talked about the relationship and how they have stayed strong throughout the years.
The “BIg Trouble in Little China” actor was asked what his secret to longevity with Hawn was. He said: “You get with Goldie Hawn, you got a good chance. If you’re lucky enough to get with Goldie Hawn, it’s just however long she can put up with you.” Russell, 72, first met Hawn, 78, in 1966 while filming, but she was 21 at the time, and Russell was 16 and, according to Hawn, “much too young” to date.
The couple eventually started dating in 1983 and are still going strong 41 years later. The “Christmas Chronicles” star, which also features Hawn, said about her: “Women adore Goldie, men love Goldie. And if you don’t, there’s something wrong with you.” Hawn also talked about her secret to success.
She said recently regarding marriage: “People fuse, and fusion is very bad. Because once you start losing yourself, engaged in someone else’s everything, become too dependent… then there’s a loss of respect, there’s expectation, and then a lot of people actually shift mentally when they feel tied up.” Of course, that isn’t everyone’s experience with marriage, but Hawn expressed her desire to make the relationship a choice rather than a legal obligation.
The “Overboard” star said: “I always said if I’m in a cage, and I’m a bird, and you leave the door open, I’ll probably never fly out. If you close the door to the cage, my feathers will be gone, and I won’t look like a bird anymore. And I wouldn’t survive.” When asked if they would be together had they married, her response was surprising, “Probably not,” Hawn admitted. “Ultimately, when you look back on it, I’ve never asked that question of myself, because what I like is waking up in the morning, and I’ve said this many times, and actually making a choice to be with someone,” adding about Russell “I picked him. I like that guy.”
The couple have children from previous relationships that they raised together. Hawn has Oliver and Kate Hudson, both actors as well, and Russel has a son named Boston. The couple share a son, Wyatt, and Kurt Russell stars alongside Wyatt in Apple’s “Monarch: Legacy of Monsters:” The father and sound duo play the same character, featuring Wyatt in flashbacks, and the resemblance, including the voice and mannerisms, is incredible.
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Two of the most likable celebrities of the last few decades, Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn are still working and still going strong. It is indeed rare, but they are proof that a relationship can survive in Hollywood despite the travel and temptations.
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