Following the news that Tucker Carlson is leaving Fox News, many celebrities in the conservative news genre have shared stories of Carlson’s kindness towards them.
While it remains unclear what the next chapter of Carlson’s career will look like, the former Fox News host has a large fanbase ready to follow him to his next venture. Among the fans that voiced their support for Carlson was the Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh, who Tweeted:
“Tucker sent me a text message out of the blue several years ago just to tell me he appreciates my work. I had a much lower profile back then. I didn’t think he even knew who I was. He took the time to track my number down and reach out. Very few people like that in this business.
“Extremely rare that someone much higher on the totem pole will send you a word of encouragement when they stand to gain nothing from it. There are only a few people in the business who will do something like that and one of them is Tucker Carlson. Great talent and a good man.”
Radio news personality Larry O’Connor also chimed in. He Tweeted:
“When I first moved to DC, @TuckerCarlson heard it was my first Thanksgiving away from home. I had just gone through a divorce and my kids were on the other side of the country. He invited me to his home and I enjoyed Thanksgiving with his father, his wife, his children and his dogs. They treated me like I was a part of the family. It turned what would have been a sad and lonely day into one I’ll never forget. His family is full of joy and love and laughter.”
Nate Hochman from the national review Tweeted:
“Tucker Carlson once called me, out of the blue, because he had heard through friends that I was going through a rough patch. We had never spoken before, but he took 45 minutes out of his night to offer support/advice. It remains one of the most surreal experiences of my life
“One of the most powerful men in conservative politics took the time to sit down and call some random 23 year old kid he had never met — just to tell him to hang in there, and to ask if there was anything he could do to help. It’s something I will never forget”
With the outpouring of support from fans and others in the industry, it is clear that Tucker still has a place in conservative news. Fox News has already faced a stark new reality, as ratings for the channel tanked following Carlson’s departure. Ellis from The American Tribune wrote:
“On Monday, Fox News decided to “part ways” with one of the most prominent political commentators, Tucker Carlson. Given that Carlson was the most-watched host on the channel, many immediately predicted this would seriously impact Fox News’ ratings.
“The cable news ratings are in for Monday, April 24, the first night without Tucker Carlson, and reportedly Fox News lost nearly 1 million viewers the first night without Tucker compared to last week.”