A massive blizzard in Buffalo provided all the cover hundreds of looters and vagrants needed to clean out various stores of their merchandise, as one video shows.
Twitter user I Meme, Therefore I Am posted a video shortly after the snowfall had ended to reveal absolutely carnage by a few Family Dollar stores. Some rode out on snowmobiles, some carried trash bags, and others pushed shopping carts until they got too buried in the drifts in order to steal as much as possible from the unprotected stores.
Looting in Buffalo, NY because of snow.
These people are just disgusting.pic.twitter.com/o4YVlsIzrG— I Meme Therefore I Am
(@ImMeme0) December 26, 2022
As the video notes, “these people are disgusting.” Truer words couldn’t be spoken. Even when burning, looting, and murdering takes place after an episode of usually-justified police violence, there is hardly a reason to torch a city. But when there’s a lot of snow? This just shows the pillaging stems from selfish chaos, not some morally-sanctioned act of reparations.
You could hardly find a single defense for the actions on Twitter.
It is not snow. It is not poverty. It is not white supremacy.
The reason for the continued looting and destruction is loss of meaning in life and a non-existent moral compass.
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It is not snow. It is not poverty. It is not white supremacy.
The reason for the continued looting and destruction is loss of meaning in life and a non-existent moral compass.
— Todd Peterson (@Todd_Peterson_1) December 27, 2022
Other users had similar reactions:
Not because of snow my friend. It’s because they are fully aware that there are absolutely no consequences for their criminal behavior. The way NY is right now, you might as well call this another Tuesday.
I have a client who owns a business right by there. Their whole store was looted for 2 days. And they weren’t just stealing, they were destroying.
And the majority if not every last one on welfare, food stamps and live in government housing. We’re paying them to live and this is their thanks.
Snow is literally white oppression falling from the sky.
I have no sympathies for New Yorkers.. They voted for this!
We were trying to get to the hospital yesterday but we had to get off at a different exit and saw all of these lowlifes walking in drifts carrying stuff and they had their kids with them. I’m hoping that the looted stores close down.
Lest anyone think certain peoples’ penchant for looting and mass destruction during a snowstorm is anything new, an old Washington Post article written in 1979 tells an entirely different story.
A similar blizzard to the one in Buffalo ravaged Baltimore in February of 1979. The weather was so bad that police couldn’t respond for over an hour. Finally, a lone officer did arrive, though backup wouldn’t show up for another hour on top of that.
By the time fellow officers arrived an hour later, Olde Towne Mall — one of Baltimore’s urban renewal showcases, a dressed-up shopping center in the middle of poverty — had been picked clean. “It looked like the locusts hit,” [police officer Ron] Starr said today.
Old Towne Mall was one of the hardest hit sections of Baltimore during a widespread looting spree that began as soon as the record snowfall ended about noon Monday and continued throughout the day and night.
By tonight, Baltimore police, with the aid of 100 state troopers and snow trucks furnished by the National Guard, had arrester 347 persons for breaking and entering and another 366 for violating a 7 p.m. curfew imposed Monday and today by Mayor William Donald Schaefer.
Featured image: Screen shot from embedded video.