A video montage was uploaded to social media last month, showing the media’s coverage of President Joe Biden’s health juxtaposed with examples of his apparent decline in mental and physical health. A common conservative criticism against the mainstream media is that it has deceptively propped up Biden, who is not fit to serve as the commander-in-chief.
The compilation features a slew of media personalities from left-leaning networks maintaining that the president is the “best Biden ever” and that it is wrong to question his mental acuity. However, clips of Biden’s innumerable public gaffes and stumbles played alongside this commentary suggest otherwise. The clip was posted to X just days before Biden dropped out of the race amid calls from his party to pass the torch after the state of his health became indefensible.
The clip began with MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough stating, “Start your tape right now, because I’m about to tell you the truth. And F.U., if you can’t handle the truth, this version of Biden is the best Biden ever,” before cutting to footage of Biden stumbling over his words during a speech. “In fact, I think he’s better than he’s ever been President,” Scarborough continued.
Another clip showed Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) claiming, “Biden has a photographic memory, his understanding and mastery of a complicated geopolitical situation is remarkable,” while footage of Biden looking lost and confused during public appearances. United States Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas added, “He is sharp, intensely probing and detail oriented and focused.”
CNN’s Anderson Cooper claimed, “You know, two feet from him, across the table, and he was, you know, intense.” Scarborough then compared Biden to FDR, stating, “Had trouble walking sometimes, yes, so did. FDR, he won a GD, war.” The video continued with more comments defending Biden’s mental acuity and stamina.
The clip then featured media personalities claiming the criticism of Biden was the result of “ageism.” One person on an MSNBC panel said, “There hasn’t been, as far as I know, a single claim that Biden made a mistake.” Another commentator added, “Ageism is an issue. Americans have a rich history of holding people’s physical characteristics against them. Okay, you can ask African Americans.” Another claimed, “He’s older, that doesn’t mean that he is unfit, and there’s a lot of ageism there.”
One commentator claimed, “Americans and reporters in the media are just judging him by a physical appearance, and it’s horribly unfair. Age is an asset.” Rep. Goldman further claimed, “The flip side of this point is that he has a tremendous amount of wisdom and experience.” In one clip, Jen Psaki gaslit the observation of millions of Americans, claiming they weren’t qualified to make an assessment of Biden’s health. “More wild speculation from a bunch of people who have probably never been in a room with Joe Biden and certainly don’t have medical degrees that I’m aware of,” she said.
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Watch the video below:
Former Democratic representative Tim Ryan said, “You don’t get paid for performance to be president. You don’t did the job is not a job of endurance. I don’t see Donald Trump out bike riding like Joe Biden,” seemingly forgetting that one of Biden’s worst public slip-ups occurred when he fell while riding a bike in front of reporters. The report featured additional claims from media pundits, slamming a bombshell report from the Wall Street Journal, citing insider reports on Biden’s health.
Note: The featured image is a screenshot from the embedded video.