In the wake of President Joe Biden not only cursing at reporters in a bizarre recent incident, but also ostensibly skipping a final press conference while on his way out the door of the White House, Fox News White House Correspondent Jacqui Heinrich sounded off on him and accused him of “insulting reporters on his way out the door.”
Heinrich’s comments came when she appeared on FNC’s Fox & Friends to report on President Joe Biden’s decision to award the Presidential Medal of Freedom, America’s highest civilian honor, to a number of individuals including former Secretary of State and Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and billionaire financier of leftist causes George Soros.
At one point in her appearance, Heinrich played a clip of Biden cursing at reporters when commenting on if Trump is a threat to American democracy. He said, “I just hope we don’t — and by the way, the actions we take — the only thing my being the oldest president: I know more world leaders than any one of you ever met in your whole goddamn life. And I know them. You know how they think? Not a joke.”
Then, Heinrich commented on a report from NBC News claiming that while President Joe Biden has two speeches being drafted that he is still going to give before he leaves the White House on January 20th, he will not be doing a final press conference with the media, or at least doesn’t have such an event on his schedule.
FNC’s Steve Doocy, commenting on that news and broaching the subject, noted the matter of Biden having two speeches left, saying, “I see that apparently, he told NBC News, somebody told NBC News he’s going to give two speeches, one, a foreign policy speech when it comes back from Italy in a week or so. And the other is a farewell address to the nation,”
Doocy then, however, noted that the president does not appear to have any press conferences left on his schedule, at least as reported on in the NBC News report. He said, “Look at all this stuff I got accomplished.” He then added, “But I didn’t see anything about a press conference. So he’s trying to get out without talking to you guys.”
That’s when Heinrich chimed back in and noted that the president appears to be insulting reporters while on his way out the door, telling Doocy while flashing a snarky smile, “Yeah. And insulting the reporters on the way out the door, you know, telling us that we don’t know anyone important except for him.”
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Concluding, she slammed Biden’s general avoidance of press conferences, telling Doocy, “You know, we’d love to talk to him, and we should talk about that. He did not do a year-end press conference. We don’t have anything on the books as far as a presser before the end of his term. It is something that we continue to push for and we’re hopeful will happen.”
Watch Heinrich sound off on Biden here: