The side of tolerance expressed its (in)tolerance of religion when conservative, Christian commentator Matt Walsh from the Daily Wire’s new, hit film, “What is a Woman” was to be screened in Madison, Wisconsin.
Outside the screening, a Christian was reading passages from the Bible on a loudspeaker to the intense disapproval of the crowd. But, rather than just “boo” or hiss at the word of God, the enraged crowd decided to tear it up and eat it, as a video posted by Young America’s Foundation shows.
Watch that video here:
Protestors have now shredded The Bible and one began eating pages
— YAF (@yaf) October 24, 2022
Nick Baker, a spokesperson for Young America’s Foundation, spoke to Fox News Digital about the incident and said:
“The leftists’ attempts to silence a student reading the Bible demonstrate their utter contempt for the Judeo-Christian values upon which America was founded.”
Another YAF team member, speaking about the incident, told Fox News Digital that “We’re seeing this sort of insane behavior on college campuses across the country, and it’s time to hold these students accountable.”
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And that was just one video out of the anti-Matt Walsh protest occurring outside the screening of his film and his speech on the university campus. The New York Post, commenting on what else was happening as Walsh’s event began, reported that:
In another video, protesters are filmed screaming into megaphones that white people are “f–king racist” and that they were there to “collectively chase Nazis off the U-W campus.”
The protesters chanted “trans right are human rights” while being led by a woman draped in a rainbow flag.
YAF intercut the protest video with a clip the 400 people inside the auditorium where Walsh was set to speak appearing to welcome him warmly to the stage.
Walsh, joking about the crazed protesters outside the speech and screening when he began his event, said:
“I want to thank also the leftist crybabies for the free advertising spray-painted all over campus.”
He also ripped into the University of Wisconsin administration for doing nothing to quell or tame the savage, anti-Christian, anti-conservative protesters, saying:
“To the UW-Madison administration: you should be ashamed of yourselves. You are disgraceful, self-debasing cowards, and you spineless, gutless clowns owe me an apology.”
He later commented on the video of the radical, anti-Christian protester eating the pages of the Bible, presenting the dichotomy between the right and left as he sees it by saying:
“Well, you can be on the side that eats the Bible and castrates children, or you can be on literally any side but that one. Your choice, America.”
The Daily Mail managed to get a quote from one of the radical protesters outside the Walsh event. She, speaking on why people were there to protest so fiercely, said:
“It’s like a double standard to allow the Nazis and the transphobes and the self-proclaimed fascists to have the mic and not give it to the actual community members that are funding your school, that are attending your classes, that are teaching your classes.”
What she meant by that is unclear, as most of the speakers and professors at universities around the country are far more in line with the protesters than Walsh. Further, he’s far from a “self-proclaimed fascist.”
By: Gen Z Conservative
Featured image credit: screengrab from embedded YAF tweet