A disgusting report from the U.K.’s Daily Mail revealed yet more lurid and illegal behaviors from the son of President Joe Biden.
In the latest report on the seemingly endless content from his quite-verified laptop, Hunter Biden exacted sexual gratification upon threat of withholding an employee’s paycheck lest she strip herself down and film herself showering.
The unnamed woman, just 29 years old at the time, pleaded with Hunter to pay her what she was owed, saying she was strapped for cash and struggling to make basic rent payments. She also told him her insurance had been denied at the dentist.
Hunter, rather than pay what was rightfully earned and owed, instead told her to “set [the] phone up so I can spy on you showering.”
The Daily Mail reported that this is now the 4th known former Hunter employee with whom he had a sexual relationship. Hunter Biden also slept with his dead brother’s ex-wife and her sister.
The Dail Mail added that a previous sexual relationship with his daughter’s basketball coach, a former stripper, ended after she informed him she was pregnant with his child. Hunter Biden ended the relationship and was later sued for child support.
The stories are now blurring together, as this case sounds awfully familiar to a current legal situation in which another mother of Biden’s children is suing for access to his surname. Reports suggest President Joe Biden has never even met this particular grandchild and refuses to acknowledge her existence.
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The Daily Mail wrote about he ongoing exchanges and demands between Hunter Biden and his female assistant.
Hunter filmed and photographed her having sex with him around that time and saved the images on his laptop.
The part-time model and fitness instructor was given important administrative tasks at his company, such as receiving Burisma board documents for Hunter to sign.
In January 2019, she emailed Hunter’s secretary asking why she had not received her December paycheck of $837.06 and why her company health insurance was not active.
Two months later he sent her $500 by Apple Pay and complained he had ‘really no money’ due to ‘alimony tuitions and other s**t like girls insurance etc’.
He told her: ‘youre as beautiful to me inside as you so obviously are on the outside. Miss you very much and feel horrible for having treated you so poorly.’
He later invited her to New Hampshire but was told that she couldn’t afford the plane ticket, elt alone her rent. In reply, he agreed to pay her in exchange for a naked video chat. “I will [m]ake up for back pay. You have to make up for back work. By FTiming me and/or going to our next-club party,’ he wrote to the young woman.
“When can you face time? If we FT the rule has to be no talk of anything but sex and we must be naked and we have to do whatever the other person asks within reason,” he added.