Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, one of the staunch allies of former President Donald Trump and one of the hard charges in the GOP-controlled House, is calling on Republicans to stand up and do something to strike back at Biden as more details emerge about the more than 5,400 emails and records the National Archives holds pertaining to Biden’s alias emails, some of which were with Hunter.
The Republicans have not yet done so, predictably, and Rep. Greene is outraged that they didn’t immediately take the opportunity to get a good jab in against President Joe Biden over the emails by launching an impeachment inquiry.
As background, Breitbart reported, “Joe Biden’s email aliases — “Robert Peters,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB Ware” — were used to share government information and discuss business with Hunter Biden and associates, according to the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which filed a lawsuit to compel the agency to turn over the emails. The “Robert Peters” email alias contains an “” domain name, as Breitbart News reported. “PCI” represents the Executive Office of the President and is connected to a Department of Defense network.”
Further, the “Robert L. Peters” alias received an email in 2016 that cc’d Hunter Biden about a the situation in Ukraine. Among other things, that incriminating email includes an attachment with the then-vice president’s schedule, which indicated that he had spoken over the phone with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.
And, despite that falling into their laps, the GOP hasn’t done anything yet. Rep. Greene, speaking about a potential impeachment inquiry, said, “I’m frankly very angry that we haven’t done it yet. And it better happen when we get back into session. I want it the first week.”
Then, speaking about Biden’s use of an alias on a government network, presumably to make it easier for him to get away with whatever it was that he and Hunter were up to, MTG said, “I think it should be illegal. I do not think you can hide your identity.”
And, speaking about what the email shows, Greene added, “Joe Biden is again on record proven to be lying to the American people about his knowledge and involvement with his son and business partners.” She then noted that the president is likely compromised “as an elective elected office holder in some of the highest seats in the land as senator and then vice president.”
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Returning to the failure of the GOP to do what its voters want and act against Joe Biden, Rep. Greene said, “I don’t know how anybody will take us seriously if we can’t vote on impeachment inquiry. If you can’t vote for impeachment on Joe Biden, then how can you dare to even claim you’re willing to drain the swamp? You’re not!”
Emphasizing her point, she said, “Any Republican that won’t go for impeachment inquiry or won’t vote for impeachment is proving to the voters, proving to the American people, that they’re not up to the task to hold anyone accountable.”
She again added, “If we still have Republicans on the fence, then that tells you right now that we’re in a crisis. We’re literally in a crisis in this country if we cannot vote for an impeachment inquiry with yet another bombshell news story about the corruption and the secretive nature of Joe Biden.”