Taking to X on Wednesday to tear into the Colorado Supreme Court for its ruling that Section 3 of the 14th Amendment prohibits former President Donald Trump from appearing on the state’s ballot in 2024, was one of the few conservative voices in Hollywood, James Woods.
Mr. Woods argued that the ruling was imbecilic and a blatant attack on “democracy,” as former President Trump has never been found guilty of a crime, much less the crime of “insurrection” on which the court’s ruling relied.
In his post about the matter on X, formerly Twitter, Woods said, “Donald Trump has never been found guilty of any crime, ever. Most certainly he has never been convicted of insurrection. The real “war on democracy” is being waged in Colorado. #Shame”
Agreeing with Woods on X, equally furious conservative commentators chimed in. One, for example, said, “They cannot beat him fairly so they either have to remove him from the ballot, bankrupt him or try to destroy him through the court system. Even though 80 million of us support him. It is DISGUSTING “
Another commenter argued that out of state liberals who moved to Colorado have ruined the sate by pushing it far to the left, leaving only the nature as pleasant reminders of what used to be, saying, “The people that have moved there have completely destroyed that state. The only thing that is the same or the mountains, the forest, the rivers that’s it they’ve ruined it all.”
Woods wasn’t the only conservative voice in Hollywood to chime in on the matter. Conservative comedian Rob Schneider did as well, posting on X about the issue. He said, “EVERY single thing the Democrats WARNED about Trump was not a warning at all…It was a roadmap of what the Democrats intended to do when they regained power. Can you imagine the Dem meltdown if Republicans did this to a Dem Presidential candidate?!”
That came in response to a post from presidential contender Robert F. Kennedy, who said, “Trump blocked from the ballot in Colorado. When a court in another country disqualifies an opposition candidate from running, we say, “That’s not a real democracy.” Now it’s happening here.” Continuing, RFK Jr. added, “I’m not a Trump supporter (if I were, I wouldn’t be running against him!) But I want to beat him in a fair election, not because he was kicked off the ballot. Let the voters choose, not the courts! #Kennedy24”
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Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, for his part, wrote, “Today’s ruling attempting to disqualify President Trump from the Colorado ballot is nothing but a thinly veiled partisan attack. Regardless of political affiliation, every citizen registered to vote should not be denied the right to support our former president and the individual who is the leader in every poll of the Republican primary. We trust the U.S. Supreme Court will set aside this reckless decision and let the American people decide the next President of the United States.”
James Woods Image Credit: By _JamesWoods-2.jpg: Alan Lightderivative work: MrPanyGoff (talk) – _JamesWoods-2.jpg, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10672784