Police officers in Wisconsin shot and killed a teenage gunman outside the Mount Horeb Area School District Middle School on Wednesday, May 1. The school was apparently not breached by the gunman, and no one was injured or killed other than him, but the event was still described as traumatic by the school in statements posted to social media after the incident.
Apparently, the alleged gunman was a 14-year-old who approached the middle school with what appeared to be a long gun of some sort, though media reports did not clarify if it was a rifle or shotgun. In any case, the gunman was shot while approaching the school with the firearm and police then had to search the school to ensure there were no other assailants and bomb technicians investigated the suspect’s car to ensure there were no explosives in it.
In a post to its Facebook shortly after the incident occurred, the school district said, “Community members, there has been an active shooter near our middle school this morning. The individual did not breach entryway. Police department is helping to scope out our building to ensure the safety of our students and staff. I will keep you posted.”
Shortly afterward, the school district added, “Vikings, at 11:16 a.m. this morning, the District is on full lockdown. Please do not come onto school campus. We will direct you with further instructions as soon as possible. The safety and security of our students and staff is paramount. We are following our emergency protocols. We will update you when we have more information to share.”
A third, similar post added, “As an update, our students will remain in hard lockdown throughout all of our buildings. Law-enforcement is circulating throughout the middle school to confirm the safety of all students. Again, do not report to any of our schools at this time. Once we confirm the safety of all we will begin the process of reunification offsite with families.”
The school district also said, after police had finished searching the building, “An initial search of the middle school has not yielded additional suspects. As importantly, we have no reports of individuals being harmed, with the exception of the alleged assailant. Intermediate center students evacuated. There was no threat at that location. Buses are aware and preparing to escort them to our reunification site. we will be updating you with details shortly. We are in the process right now of a systematic release of middle school students to use restrooms interior to the middle school. They are not being released at this time. You would be so proud of our students and staff, and we’re so grateful for our first responders. We will keep you updated.”
Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers released a statement on the matter some time after the incident occurred, saying that he was grateful for the quick response of the first responders in the area as they cleared the building and ensured the safety of the students.
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Gov. Evers also said, “I’ve been in contact with local school district officials to extend my full support for students, educators, staff, and their families as they grapple with what has undoubtedly been a scary and traumatic day for everyone involved.” Continuing, he added, “As additional details and information become available and first responders continue their important work, the state remains ready to do whatever we can to support the school district and the greater community.”
USA Today interviewed area residents about the horrific event, watch them discuss it here: