UPDATE 11/27: The supposed footage has still not been released to the general public
NBC just released a massive new report on the Paul Pelosi situation and what happened when the police arrived, with the report claiming that, contrary to the official narrative about events, it was Paul Pelosi who opened the door for the police.
As you can see in the clip, NBC, reporting on the attack on Pelosi, noted that police body cam footage of the night’s events has been shared with some news media outlets and that, in the footage, Paul Pelosi can be clearly seen opening the door for the police.
Not only that, but, according to the NBC report on the shared body cam footage, Paul Pelosi appears to be in good health when opening the door for the cops.
ZeroHedge, noting why it’s important that NBC is now reporting these details about the attack and body cam footage of it, claims that:
NBC is forced to retract their earlier assertions that the Paul Pelosi open door event was unfounded. Why? Because they have to. Eventually the police body cam footage will make it out into the public sphere for everyone to see, and NBC is front-running their own false reports. However, they do suggest that “it doesn’t really matter” who opened the door to the Pelosi home, and that Paul Pelosi’s actions don’t support the “conspiracy theories” surrounding the attack.
If that is the case, then why would the DOJ lie? Surely, they have seen the same body cam footage. If there is no conspiracy, then why is there an attempted coverup?
That earlier assertion about the night’s events was made by NBC correspondent Miguel Almaguer who, in a report that bucked the DOJ narrative and was quickly retracted by NBC, claimed that:
“we still don’t know exactly what unfolded between Mr. Pelosi and the suspect for the 30 minutes they were alone inside that house before police arrive. Officials who are investigating this matter would not go into further details about these new details.”
Watch him here:
NBC Report Contradicts Federal Charging Statement in Paul Pelosi Attack – And Paul Pelosi’s Actions
NBC reporter Miguel Almaguer reported on the Today Show that accused attacker David DePape and Paul Pelosi were alone in the Pelosi home for thirty minutes, #PaulPelosi pic.twitter.com/X6RURvSMYJ— Vlemx4u (@vlemx4u) November 4, 2022
Almaguer has since been suspended by the network, with rumors swirling that he relied on a source that had not intended to go on the record when speaking to him for his report.
However, if NBC’s new reporting on the Pelosi attack is accurate and police body cam footage does show Pelosi in good health and opening the door for the police when they arrive, that would seem to corroborate Almaguer’s early report and show that something is “off” with the current DOJ narrative about what happened on that night.
So now we’ll have to wait and see if the police body cam footage is, in fact, released and, if so, what it shows about the night and proves or disproves about the current official narrative of events or of the original, squelched NBC narrative.
But, though it’s currently just a few select media outlets, that footage will apparently soon be made public, with one news updates account posting on Twitter that:
Update: Police bodycam footage of the Paul Pelosi hammer incident has been given to news agencies and will soon be made public
The footage contradicts 100% the official story
We’ll see if that turns out to be true and whether the footage is in fact released to the public and, if so, what it will show. Perhaps it will contradict the narrative, perhaps not. Time will tell, but it’s interesting that rumors of what’s in the footage confirm the retracted NBC report.
Adding likelihood to the chances that the rumors are true, the National Review, a mildly conservative magazine, reported much the same thing as the NBC report about the footage, saying:
Newly revealed body-cam footage reportedly contradicts the Department of Justice’s account of the sequence of events that led up to the attack on Paul Pelosi, the husband of outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, confirming that Pelosi opened the door for the police officers who responded to the 911 call he placed from his residence.
So left, “moderate”, and Twitter anon accounts are reporting the same thing about the footage. Now let’s see if it lives up to the hype.
Watch that report here:
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