Another mass shooting tragedy, this one in Maine, recently horrified the country and emboldened gun control advocates. Using the unspeakable tragedy to push their gun-grabbing agenda, anti-gun rights politicians and activists used the shooting to advocate for limiting gun rights in America.
Among those doing so was Vice President Kamala Harris, who used the tragedy to praise Australia’s mandatory gun confiscation program, carried out in the 1990s after a mass shooting in that country. Pro-Second Amendment activist Colion Noir ripped Kamala for that praise of tyranny during an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle.”
Speaking to host Laura Igraham, Noir said, “The irony is Maine is considered the second-safest state in the country. And they also are considered one of the most pro-gun states in the country. The thing is, though, when you live in a very safe environment, sometimes we get lulled into complacency. And when we think that we’re safe because we feel safe, which doesn’t necessarily mean you are safe. And then when you start to realize that, you know, maybe I should have a firearm, it usually happens when it’s too late.”
Continuing, he explained, “And so that’s why you have individuals now saying, well, now there’s a manhunt going on and the police don’t know where he is. And now you’re at home, you don’t have a firearm, and you have no means to protect yourself, and neither can the police because they’re too busy looking for the guy.”
He then explained what he sees as the purpose of the Second Amendment, saying, “So that’s the one thing that I’ve always tried to hammer onto people with respect to the Second Amendment. It’s there to give you the ability to protect you and your family and I just wish that people would understand that. But because of the semantics and the games that the left likes to play with respect to the Second Amendment, they fall into this belief system that nobody needs a firearm. Until you do and then at that point, it’s too late.”
For reference, Kamala praised the Australian gun-grabbing scheme during the Australian Prime Minister’s state visit to Washington, D.C., saying that Australia’s program shows how gun control could be implemented and made effective in the United States.
Beginning, she said, “I also want to welcome the members of the United States Congress who are here, the members of the President’s Cabinet who are here, and all of our distinguished guests. As the Secretary said, before I address why we are convened here today, I will address the tragic events that happened last night in Maine. Last night, Lewiston became yet another community torn apart by senseless gun violence. Once again, routine gatherings — this time at a bowling alley and a restaurant — have been turned into scenes of horrific carnage.”
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She continued, “Doug and I mourn for those who were killed. We pray for those who are injured and grieve with so many whose lives are forever changed and impacted by what happened. The Biden-Harris administration will continue to provide full support to local authorities. And as we gather details, we must continue to speak truth about the moment we are in. In our country today, the leading cause of death of American children is gun violence. Gun violence has terrorized and traumatized so many of our communities in this country. And let us be clear, it does not have to be this way, as our friends in Australia have demonstrated.“