Joe Biden, once again, is being called out by the media to take a cognitive test. On Friday, during an appearance on “Real Time” with Bill Maher, Dr. Phil McGraw suggested that the 81-year-old Biden should take a cognitive test. McGraw made the comment during the “Overtime” segment of “Real Time,” causing Maher to offer some unsolicited advice to the octagenarian president.
Dr. Phil said of Biden that “people that have nothing to hide, hide nothing,” suggesting that the president should put all the concerns to bed by taking a test. Maher took a different tact, suggesting that Biden should “lean into” his age. Maher said: “Don’t try to deny the age thing, lean into it. Lean in, lean in like you’re eating soup.”
Dr. Phil doesn’t have the left-leaning viewpoints of Maher, instead appearing more centric in recent years. Half-jokingly, presumably, Maher continued: “Instead of trying to refute all the ‘too old to be president’ slams, Joe must embrace them. Stop with the ‘I’m sharper than ever.’ Nobody’s buying that. Don’t try to deny the age thing, lean into it. Lean in, lean in like you’re eating soup. And just admit it! Say ‘Yes, I’m bad with names and I walk like a toddler with a full diaper, but I believe in democracy.”
Maher has long been critical of much of the phoniness of politics, particularly in Washington. He specifically noted how folks like Hillary Clinton and John Kerry have become “defensive” about their true selves. Maher’s advice to Biden was, “Be yourself! And Joe, yourself is old.” He suggested he embrace the John McCain route when the latter famously played into the age factor during the 2008 presidential election.
Dr. Phil appeared on The View earlier this week to promote his new book and media network and proceeded to stir the pot with the ladies when he had the temerity to criticize Covid school closures. McGraw attempted to connect the use of smartphones by teens to increased suicide rates. He said: “We saw the biggest spike and the highest levels of depression, anxiety, loneliness, and suicidality, since records have ever been kept.” What Dr. Phil said next set the ladies off.
Dr. Phil had the audacity to criticize Covid shutdowns when he said, “And then COVID hits 10 years later, and the same agencies that knew that, are the agencies that shut down the schools for two years. Who does that? Who takes away the support system for these children? Who takes it away and shuts it down? And by the way, when they shut it down, they stopped the mandated reporters from being able to see children that were being abused and sexually molested and, in fact, sent them home and abandoned them to their abusers with no way to watch, and referrals dropped 50% to 60%.”
Watch Dr. Phil here:
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When asked why President Biden did not receive a cognitive test during his annual physical, Karine Jean-Pierre made the absurd statement, “Folks need to understand that the president passes a cognitive test every day. If you look at what a clinical cognitive test is – actually what it does – it is a 15-minute appointment that is administered by someone who, most of the time, people don’t actually know.”