In the final days of the 2024 election, Former Speaker of the House and current United States Congresswoman from California Nancy Pelosi went on the attack against former president and 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, claiming that his brain is “deteriorating.” Predictably, she was hammered over the claim.
Such is what Pelosi said when she appeared on MSNBCc, claiming that those who plan on voting for Trump “have to know that he can’t last as president for four years with his brain deteriorating at the rate that it is … and they may be voting for President Vance, which would be a horrible thing for our country.”
Then, referring to a joke Trump made in Pennsylvania on Sunday, November 3, which was when he said, “To get me somebody would have to shoot through the fake news, and I don’t mind that so much,” Pelosi claimed the joke was “further indication of his cognitive degeneration.” Pelosi added, “Something’s very wrong there.”
Responding to Pelosi’s comments in a statement to Fox News Digital, Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt sounded off, saying, “The only thing deteriorating is Nancy Pelosi who is a decrepit washed up corrupt politician who America can no longer stand. She should go back to the City of San Francisco, which she has totally destroyed, and never return.”
Social media commenters sounded off on Pelosi as well. One, for example, responding to the claim that Trump is deteriorating, said, “Yet, Trump can spend over 3 hours having random conversation on any topic he’s asked about without editing. Have Multiple rallies in 1 day. Then you have Biden and Kamalala can’t hold a 10 min public appearance without editing or some ridiculous gaffe. Stop the gaslighting bull
Another said, commenting on the fact that Dems like Pelosi covered for Biden for years, said, “All of a sudden they are authorities on brain deterioration! If asked about Joe’s decline they still insist he is sharp & stepping down was his decision. Do their supporters actually believe this swill?”
On much the same note regarding their current comments about Trump and past comments about Biden, they said, “These corrupt, hypocritical assholes. Oh, brain deterioration is the new fad now that Pesaki & Pelosi finally stopped lying about Biden being ‘sharp as a tack’. Can’t hate them enough.” Watch Pelosi here:
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Another commenter sounded off on Pelosi in a lengthy diatribe. That commenter began, “There is absolutely no evidence that President Donald J. Trump is other than energetic, humorous, kind, creative, generous of spirit, intelligent and quite physically fit. No one except Comrade Kamala ever made a suggestion that so lacking in integrity and keenness. He is commendable due to leadership, a keen desire to lead and improve a peaceful nation.”
She continued, hammering Pelosi, “Nancy Pelosi is the shame of our nation, the black spot on the cancerous lung of America. Shall we cut, burn or poison that cancer? She is a cancer that attracts other cancers allowing her to appear acceptable as she brings the grandchildren who will loathe her for being used in photo ops. Americans struggling to breathe the contaminated and evil air she has infused into our environment find her incomparably evil due to stealing valuable time from her “day job” to day trade billions of dollars on the struggling taxpayer forced to pay her keep. The word career refuses to stand beside liars who work “for America.” She is a bottom feeder. She is the dying fishy stench of degrading morality in America. She should be in prison. Perhaps better, a nursing home for the criminally insane.”
She concluded, “Judging a president the caliber of President Donald J. Trump either publicly or privately while she feigns to pose as a “leader” is an insult to all our female leaders and all women everywhere. Thievery is a first sign of a declining mind. Her soul is missing and she curiously looks about for it, having begun the long wrinkled decline toward death. What a pity this lamprey attached herself to America with her sucking parts.”