A parent is alleging that her 11-year-old child was exposed to graphic content in their school, with lessons from a drag queen instructing students on the ways of oral and anal s*x. This complaint follows another from the same school and the same drag queen in which a student was punished for rejecting the idea there are 73 genders.
According to the Daily Mail, the two related incidents occurred at the Queen Elizabeth School on the Isle of Man. The lessons were exposed to be extremely graphic in content and the school temporarily shut down its sex education course after intense public outcry. Parents and the community were upset at the inclusion of a drag queen for elementary-aged kids, that person’s reaction to student-voiced disagreement, and the content in general.
The parent of the 11-year-old student spoke with the Daily Mail and shared her disgust.
“When my daughter told me what had happened, I got onto the school immediately and asked them what on earth they were doing talking in such graphic detail,” the reported parent of the minor suggested.
“My daughter is just 11 years old, she’s five years below the age of consent and is learning about anal s*x and oral s*x,” she continued. “What were the school thinking of?”
The Mail went on to report that additional concerns were borne of the entire affair, as the content was not just sexually graphic and intense, but it also featured strong ideological markers promoting transgenderism.
Suffice it to say, there was a lot going on that parents did not like.
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The Telegraph also picked up the story and focused its attention on the second incident that saw a 14-year-old sentenced to detention for challenging the drag queen’s assertion that the human race consists of 73 different genders.
“You’ve upset me,” the drag queen reportedly said. The lecturer then apparently had the authority to remove the student from the class, which was reported to have happened. The school enforced the drag queen’s consequence and meted out one of their own by sending the student to detention for “being disruptive.”
The parents of the boy pushed back, saying he was sharing his opinion. And isn’t this what the Party of Tolerance and Inclusion is all about? All perspectives are welcome, they say, until they aren’t.
“As far as I’m concerned you can’t change biology and I was amazed when I called the school to find out why my son had been given a detention,” the mother of the boy said to the Daily Mail.
“The fact our children are not allowed to have their own view, in other words that there are only two genders is disgusting,” she added. “The teacher was drumming it into them that there were several genders and he just said as he is entitled to that he didn’t accept it and he was punished for having his own opinion.”
“There is absolutely no need to ram gender and pride down kids’ throats and the more it’s done then the more it just alienates the majority of parents and children,” she finished.