In a huge report released on Tuesday, the Republican majority-led House Committee on House Administration released its interim report on the failures and politicization of the January 6 Select Committee. In the report, the investigators recommended that former Rep. Liz Cheney be investigated “for potential criminal witness tampering” that she allegedly committed while on the J6 Committee.
In the introduction to the report, Committee Chairman Rep. Barry Loudermilk explained the purpose of the investigation, saying, “The American people deserve a government they can trust and be proud of. Unfortunately, the failures, coverups and false accusations in the aftermath of January 6 have only increased the people’s distrust of Washington D.C. I hope the work of this subcommittee will help restore a level of hope in our government; but, until we hold accountable those responsible, and reform our institutions, we will not fully regain trust.”
He added, “Americans expect and deserve a government that is small in size, limited in scope, and fully accountable to the people, as our Founders intended. The actions of some elected officials and certain government bureaucrats in the aftermath of January 6, 2021, are evidence of how we have ventured far away from those basic principles of our constitutional republic.”
Further, Rep. Loudermilk explained, “Transparency, accountability, and equal application of the law are the only solutions to return our nation to one that is free, safe and full of opportunity. I sincerely pray that this report is just the beginning of an era of restoring our federal government to the basic principles of transparency and accountability.”
The report went on to lambast former Rep. Cheney for potentially criminal witness tampering. At one point, for example, the report noted that it is both likely unethical and unusual for a member of Congress like Cheney to contact a witness rather than her legal counsel. “It is unusual—and potentially unethical—for a Member of Congress conducting an investigation to contact a witness if the Member knows that the individual is represented by legal counsel,” the report stated.
Then, over a hundred pages later, the report, after noting all the evidence that then-Rep. Cheney illegally communicated with witness Cassidy Hutchinson, as she did so without the knowledge or permission of Hutchinson’s lawyer, argues that former Rep. Cheney should, at the very least, be investigated by the FBI over the incident.
It said, “Based on the evidence obtained by this Subcommittee, numerous federal laws were likely broken by Liz Cheney, the former Vice Chair of the January 6 Select Committee, and these violations should be investigated by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Evidence uncovered by the Subcommittee revealed that former Congresswoman Liz Cheney tampered with at least one witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, by secretly communicating with Hutchinson without Hutchinson’s attorney’s knowledge.”
Continuing, it noted what law it appears that former Rep. Cheney might have broken with those communications, saying, “This secret communication with a witness is improper and likely violates 18 U.S.C. 1512. Such action is outside the due functioning of the legislative process and therefore not protected by the Speech and Debate clause.”
Further, the report recommends that Cheney be investigated for perjury, saying, “The Federal Bureau of Investigation must also investigate Representative Cheney for violating 18 U.S.C. 1622, which prohibits any person from procuring another person to commit perjury. Based on the evidence obtained by this Subcommittee, Hutchinson committed perjury when she lied under oath to the Select Committee.”
Watch Trump comment on the J6 Committee here:
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