Oregon might be one of the most far-left and softest on crime states in the Union. During the “fiery but mostly peaceful” protests of 2020, for example, police largely stood by as Antifa goons terrorized Portland and “mostly peaceful protesters” took to the streets.
It was shocking, therefore, when Oregon law enforcement officials actually took action to get a crazy criminal off the streets after she was caught committing a horrific act, putting a young child in imminent threat of death or serious bodily injury.
That woman held without bail by them is a 32-year-old woman, Brianna Lace Workman. Workman was caught on video, pushing a three-year-old child onto train tracks, potentially putting the poor child directly in the path of an oncoming train.
Fortunately, there was no train hurtling toward the child on the tracks, and so the three-year-old could be rescued, but the child was still injured by the shove and fall. WMTV, reporting on the injury and what happened, reported that:
According to the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office, a mother and her 3-year-old child were waiting for a train at the Gateway Transit Center MAX platform in Northeast Portland on Wednesday when Brianna Lace Workman, 32, shoved the child off the platform and onto the train tracks without provocation
KPTV reports the incident was captured on TriMet video surveillance that showed bystanders jumping out of their seats while Workman sat back down.
Authorities said the child landed face-first on the metal rail and rocks before quickly being rescued. The child reportedly had a severe headache and a small red mark on their forehead after the incident.
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Workman, the woman who did the shocking shoving, has since been charged with numerous crimes related to the on-video incident. According to Fox News Digital, Workman “was charged with attempted assault in the first degree, assault in the third degree, interfering with public transportation, disorderly conduct in the second degree and recklessly endangering another person.”
But, best of all, the police are actually holding Workman rather than just turning her back out on the street to push another child onto train tracks. Yahoo News, reporting on that aspect of the situation and Workman’s status as a homeless woman, reported that:
She was arraigned on Thursday and is being held without bail on the charges.
Court records show that she had been living in a homeless shelter at the time of the incident
One YahooNews commenter said what many Americans are thinking when they read stories like this one about the homeless committing horrific crimes, saying:
It’s past time to get real regarding the homeless. A high percentage are drug dependent, mentally challenged, hostile and dangerous. Shooting up on sidewalks, deficating in public and expressing no desire to conform with society. When they’re not committing random acts of violence they’re disrupting neighborhoods, schools and businesses. Get them off the streets, off drugs and provide rehabilitation whenever possible. If they refuse to adjust remove them to encampments far from the general public.
Featured image credit: Multnomah County Sheriff’s Office