The ignorant and hate-filled morons on The View are desperate for some attention and eyeballs after their latest public relations disaster in which co-host Whoopi Goldberg asserted that people associated with Charlie Kirk’s massively popular Turning Point USA were neo-Nazis.
Knowing that their drain-circling idiocy needs help, apparently producers invited Florida Governor Ron DeSantis to appear amidst the rabid left-wingers. Would they be fair? Would they apologize for their hideous remarks about him? Would they even listen to what he had to say?
We all know those answers.
However, instead of being mean about their rejection, Team DeSantis offered an amazing rebuttal to the offer. It was filled with similar questions, and then went into overdrive with one of the best comebacks GOP politics have seen in a long time. The response can be read below:
“Are the hosts of The View really interested in hearing from Governor DeSantis about all of the important work he is doing on behalf of Floridians to protect their health and livelihoods, to stand up for parents and children, and to defend freedom?” the email said. “Which of the below statements from the hosts of The View do you recommend our team consider when deciding if the interview will be a genuine pursuit of the truth? Or worth the time?”
The best part came at the end, though, when Ron’s team shoved just a few quotes from the show’s own spite-filled losers about the person they intended to invite on:
- Joy Behar, August 2021: “You’re just short of calling [Governor DeSantis] a negligent, homicidal sociopath, because that’s what he is.” She added: “What is he doing? He’s risking the lives of children, children’s parents, their grandparents, anyone they may come into contact with, so he can appeal to his white supremacist base, so he can continue in his career and get reelected.”
- Sunny Hostin, June 2022: ” Death-Santis … I think he’s a fascist and a bigot.”
- Ana Navarro, April 2022 (on Governor DeSantis’s policies): “It’s anti-black, it’s anti-gay, it’s anti-LGBTQ+ community. And for some reason, the Republican base responds to it.” And “It’s anti-American. It’s what happens in Venezuela. It’s what happens in Nicaragua.”
- Sunny Hostin, February 2022 (on Governor DeSantis’s policies): “It started with CRT. Let’s remember that – and those are anti-history laws, anti-black history laws, really,” she said. “If you start coming after black people, what comes next, right? Of course the LGBTQ+ community, and then women, and then other marginalized groups.”
This is just awesome. Ron DeSantis may or may not be the next Republican nominee for president – it all hinges on what seems to be a likely Trump announcement in the affirmative that he’ll run – but the man knows how to play the game.
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He sits out of election stuff, he sits out of endorsements, he said he stay out of the race if Trump went for it, and then he just smashes lefties at every turn with his in-state governance and swift rebuttals to postmodern insanity.
If it isn’t 2024, Ron’s time will definitely be 2028. In the meantime, will the hosts have the stones to invite Donald Trump on? That would be worth watching.