James O’Keefe’s O’Keefe Media Group (OMG) is already doing some great work. In fact, it just caught a major American technology retail giant keeping white people out of a minority executive training program and discriminating against Christians.
OMG first discovered the racial aspect of what Best Buy is up to, with one of its informants sending pictures of a management training program that was not open to white applicants. OMG then drew attention to that racial discrimination on Twitter, announcing, “DISCRIMINATION: A Citizen Journalist has revealed Best Buy is partnering with McKinsey & Company on a Management Training Program. The program is not open to white applicants. “Candidates must meet the [racial] requirements below” Any comment @BestBuy?”
DISCRIMINATION: A Citizen Journalist has revealed Best Buy is partnering with McKinsey & Company on a Management Training Program.
The program is not open to white applicants. “Candidates must meet the [racial] requirements below”
Any comment @BestBuy? pic.twitter.com/lxfivezCa6
— O’Keefe Media Group (@OKeefeMedia) August 8, 2023
One of the attached screenshots shows that a requirement for the program is that the applicant be “Black, Latino, Hispanic, Asian or Pacific Islander.” Other requirements are included, but that one shows clear racial discrimination against White people for Best Buy’s management training program.
The second screenshot revealed by OMG shows that, when filling out the application, applicants must click a button saying they are either “Black, “Hispanic or Latino,” or “Asian or Pacific Islander.” There is no option for white people to apply to the management training program.
The memo also explains the program:”We’re excited to announce awesome news about the McKinsey professional development programs! As a part of Best Buy’s commitment to develop and support our employees, we’ve partnered with McKinsey & Company to offer the McKinsey Leadership Programs. These professional development programs customize its curriculum and discussions to the unique situations, experiences and opportunities of diverse professionals.”
That’s not all. Shortly after exposing Best Buy’s discrimination against White people, OMG exposed Best Buy’s blatant discrimination against Christians. James O’Keefe released a powerful video explaining what the woke retail giant was up to, watch him here:
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OMG EXCLUSIVE: Second whistleblower reveals that @BestBuy discriminates against religions. Geek Squad member has audio proof that the company refuses to allow Christian employees to display crosses while requiring them to attend LGBTQ workshops. pic.twitter.com/t6DDJG7Lo6
— James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) August 10, 2023
Adding a brief explainer to O’Keefe’s video, OMG’s Twitter account said, “SHOCK: Best Buy whistleblower forced to attend a workshop on the history of the LGBTQ movement, faced retaliation when he walked out before it ended. When he confronted his manager he was told that his Christian beliefs were a choice and the LGBTQ lifestyle was not.”
O’Keefe Media Group further described the incident in an article on its website, saying, “The conversation centered around the incident that occurred when another employee Athena Cruz, a well-being ambassador was giving a history on the LGBTQ Community in the workspace. Enis Sujak decided to walk out of the session, having later stated that he doesn’t care about “who you sleep with” and that he didn’t think that a lifestyle that needed to “preached” to them in a work environment. Enis then recorded the conversation with his manager, Michael, following this incident, during which the following quotes could be heard: “Let’s have the cross all over the hub….why don’t we have Christian stuff all over?” says Enis, to which Michael replies with “they’re not the same [as pride flags]”. He continues “you are choosing to believe in Christianity….they [LGBTQ community] don’t choose it.”’
Thanks to the race-focused program and its religious discrimination, Best Buy is now facing a boycott from conservative and Christian consumers who are furious with the company.