Our Southern Border has been an unmitigated disaster since Joe Biden took office and effectively undid the good done by President Trump. Illegal immigration is at an all-time high, so-called sanctuary cities are suddenly up in arms over illegal immigration, and the federal government is locked in a standoff with Texas and 26 other states over the sovereignty of the Texas border. While Biden has been talking tough in the media, where this goes next is up for debate.
It should be recalled that during the Trump Administration, despite the liberal agenda meant to hamstring the president at every turn, the border crossings were greatly reduced, and the situation was in hand. Certainly, there were still illegal crossings, but what we didn’t have was immigrants seeking political asylum and being let in with no proof offered.
The Biden Administration has allowed asylum seekers to flood in on word-only, and only after major cities complained of being overwhelmed has the administration even suggested that there is a problem down south. Unfortunately for the White House, this hasn’t placated Southern States, and liberal cities suddenly flush with illegal immigrants have been vocal about the issues the migrants pose to their already fragile ecosystems.
In what appears to be an election year attempt to buy votes and appear to care, Biden recently released a statement supporting a new emergency authority to shut down the border “when it becomes overwhelmed” and that he would utilize said authority as soon as it is signed into law. However, many pointed out that Biden already has that power. The President said :“For everyone who is demanding tougher border control, this is the way to do it. If you’re serious about the border crisis, pass a bipartisan bill and I will sign it.”
Pointing out the obvious, Elon Musk had several comments about the subject. He said: “No laws need to be passed,” Musk wrote. “All that is needed is an executive order to require proof before granting an asylum hearing. That is how it used to be.” The Space X CEO correctly pointed out that the standard for asylum seeking has been lowered under Biden.
Silicon Valley entrepreneur and investor David Sack said on X the border is broken “because this administration refuses to enforce the laws we already have.” Musk fired back “exactly.” Musk recently traveled to the border and livestreamed the video which featured hundreds of immigrants swarming the border. Musk wrote that Bidens open-border policy “is undeniable at this point.”
Despite being for border security, Musk apparently is no fan of a physical wall, saying “Building a wall is a red herring.” Perhaps underselling the value of a tangible, physical border, Musk continued: “No wall is needed to fix this situation. Border Patrol is being instructed to facilitate illegal entry at scale into the United States.” He continued :”The fundamental problem is that anyone can claim asylum with zero proof, which means all of Earth can come to America.”
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Musk correctly points out that the standard for asylum seeking is comically low. Whether this is an effort by the Democrats to pad the eventual voter rolls with illegals, or just incompetence on Biden’s part, it’s clear that the current administration is laughably inept in terms of border security, and people are suffering as a result.
Border Patrol recently said it has no plans to datke down the Texas border barriers: