The ratings are in and Fox News is on a sprint to zero now that it has gotten rid of Tucker Carlson, with its ratings crash even more severe now than it initially was as people tune out for good. In fact, Fox News Channel’s primetime ratings are so bad that its winning streak is over after 120 weeks, with MSNBC beating it.
According to the latest Nielsen data, FNC’s 8- to 11 pm viewership averaged 1,504,429. Meanwhile, the average primetime viewership at far-left MSNBC was 1,520,857. MSNBC thus narrowly beat out FNC, which had previously been the constant leader in cable news viewership.
New: According to Nielsen data, Fox News averaged 1,504,429 primetime viewers last week, while MSNBC averaged 1,520,857 primetime viewers.
Barring a last-second data reporting change, Fox's 120 week-long winning streak in primetime appears to be over.
— A.J. Katz (@ajkatztv) June 13, 2023
The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh took to Facebook to roast Fox News Channel over the coals for its Tucker decision and point out how negatively former Fox News viewers have reacted to its decision to get rid of its one populist host.
Beginning, Walsh, noted that FNC used to be the undisputed leader among cable news channels, particularly for young people, saying, “For 120 straight weeks, Fox News was the most-watched cable news network in primetime. Its main competitors, MSNBC and CNN, never came close. In the key advertising demographic — people between the ages of 25 and 54 — Fox News was the undisputed leader.”
But now that’s all gone, as it destroyed that support among conservative and right-wing young people that tuned in to watch Tucker by firing him. Now its left with the dregs of the conservative cable market and a few people, mainly older, that tune in to watch it out of habit. As Walsh put it: “But last week, after nearly two months of declining ratings following the ouster of Tucker Carlson, Fox News’ streak came to an abrupt and very unceremonious end. Last Friday, Fox News recorded its worst performance in primetime in the network’s history. Just 109,000 people between the ages of 25 to 54 tuned into Tucker Carlson’s old 8pm time slot, to watch the replacement show ‘Fox News Tonight.'”