As the LGBTQ agenda increasingly becomes a topic of conversation in America’s K-12 education system, many students, teachers, and parents have voiced their criticism toward the “indoctrination” that is occurring in schools.
Earlier this month in Minnesota, nearly 2,000 high school students refused to attend an “LGBTQIA+ History and Culture” seminar. The students opted out of the sexuality-themed lesson after the non-profit group Liberty Counsel wrote a letter to Osseo Area Schools District 279 last month demanding that any teacher or student who felt the topics were at odds with their religious beliefs should be given the option not to attend.
“Teachers have expressed to Liberty Counsel that this one-sided LGBT political indoctrination violates parental rights and the teachers’ sincerely-held religious beliefs; that they object to teaching it; and that they fear retaliation if they seek to exercise their rights under Title VII to the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for a religious accommodation,” the letter read.
The Liberty Counsel letter explained that many Christian parents in the community are called by their faith to raise their children in accordance with their respective religious instructions. The Abrahamic religions, Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, all share similar beliefs on the nature of sexuality and its implications for societal institutions such as marriage and family.
“Many District parents are members of a faith community who believe that it is their duty to bring children up according to their respective faith’s values, including Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. For many Christians, in particular, child rearing must be in accordance with St. Paul’s instruction in Ephesians, to “bring [children] up in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4. Part of this instruction relates to God’s plan for human biology, marriage, and the family, as revealed in Scripture,” the letter said.
Citing numerous verses from the Bible, the non-profit organization illustrated how LGBTQ ideology is at odds with Christian teachings. Liberty Counsel explicitly described why many Christians disagree with the modern consensus on issues such as pronouns and sexual norms.
“These community members reject the notion that there are more than two sexes or genders; they instead accept the Biblical truth that “male and female He (God) created them.” Genesis 1:27. They further believe that God’s plan for human sexuality was created in the context of marriage. “Therefore a man leaves his father and mother and clings to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24. They believe that homosexuality is not a part of God’s plan. See Jude 7 and Romans 1:26-27. They further believe that pronouns are objective (not subjective); that pronouns correspond to biological sex; and that neither they (nor their children) may lie in calling what God has created “male,” “female;” and vice versa,” it continued.
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In response, the school district informed students and teachers that they had the right to opt out of the lecture if they chose to do so. Per 279 Parents United, a local parent’s organization in the school district, at least 1800 students and 15 teachers refrained from attending the lesson.
“Hopefully, the school district learned a lesson to stop trying to force its agenda on students, parents, and teachers. Nearly 2,000 students and 15 teachers exercised the right to opt out of the ‘LGBTQIA+’ indoctrination. Public schools must respect the rights of students, parents, and teachers,” stated Liberty Counsel Founder and Chairman Mat Staver.