Douglas Mackey was a major Twitter personality known during the months and years leading up to the first Trump election as “Ricky Vaughn” on Twitter. He had some epic takes, posted some hilarious memes, and really embodied that era of Twitter.
So, of course, the Department of Injustice came after him for his politicals views and is now charging him with a crime for a meme he posted. The meme told people who typically vote Democrat to vote by texting “HILLARY” to a random number, so it was an obvious joke and meant to be funny, not to actually get people not to vote.
But, of course, the DOJ isn’t treating it as a humorous meme because Mackey is on the wrong side politically. Instead, they’re treating it as “disinformation relevant to the impending 2016 Presidential Election.” Of course.
Fortunately, there’s now a way patriots who still believe in free speech can support Mackey and help him fight the tyrannical DOJ: the “Meme Defense Fund,” which has been set up to help him pay his legal bills and is working through a non-profit organization, so donations to it are tax-deductible. Check it out here.
And here’s what the Meme Defense Fund had to say about Mackey and his case:
On January 22, 2021 two days after Joe Biden was inaugurated, Douglass Mackey was indicted under 18 USC 241, for conspiracy to violate civil rights. Mackey’s alleged crime? Federal Prosecutors claim Mackey was behind the popular Trump-supporting Twitter Account @RickyVaughn99, and used “social media to spread disinformation relevant to the impending 2016 Presidential Election.” Specifically, the government was concerned that “disinformation spread by these individuals often took the form of ‘memes.'”
Mackey is facing up to ten years in prison for what the government for what the government calls a “disinformation conspiracy” to deceive voters for actions that allegedly took place five years prior to his arrest. In addition to threatening to his own personal freedom, the outcome of this case will set important precedents on both the First Amendment and due process. Mackey has fought the case for two years already and it is now headed for a jury trial in the Eastern District of New York. Federal criminal trials are very expensive, and he needs your help.
If you are concerned about this case and its impact on our free speech, please contribute. Contributions are tax deductible through the American Cause a registered 501(c)3 non-profit foundation. Check and Cash Donations can be made out to “American Cause—Meme Defense—10321 Hunt Farm Ln, Oakton, VA 22124.
Speech used to be free in America. The tyrants in charge would prefer to use “disinformation” as a means by which they can crackdown on what Orwell called Wrongthink. If you stand for free speech. Mackey is just the sort of individual to support. If you want to learn more about the case, here are the links the Meme Defense Fund recommends:
Below is a summary of links that provide more granular details on the Douglas Mackey Case.
The Ricky Vaughn Witch Hunt – Pedro Gonzalez, American Conservative
The Justice Department’s Ridiculous Voter ‘Disinformation’ Prosecution – Andrew McCarthy, National Review
Are Douglass Mackey’s Memes Illegal? – Professor Eugene Volokh, Tablet Mag
Will Biden and Harris Criminalize Memes? – Josh Hammer, American Mind
By: Will Tanner. Follow me on Twitter @Will_Tanner_1
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