Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg, one of the most prominently awful “diversity hires” in the Brandon administration, once again found himself in the hot seat for an embarrassingly bad attempt to virtue signal both his work ethic and commitment to going green.
Buttigieg opened himself up to rampant criticism after he vainly posted a narcissistic thread to Elon Musk’s Twitter, replete with a fake picture of him being studious in coach.
Take a look at this incompetent, self-congratulating fool. Is he a leading cabinet member in a presidential administration or is he a high school teenager posing for Instagram? We are led by children.
This week, I'm traveling to airports across the US to meet with our aviation safety community and highlight how we’re investing in America with projects to help keep American aviation the safest in the world.
— Secretary Pete Buttigieg (@SecretaryPete) March 29, 2023
“This week, I’m traveling to airports across the US to meet with our aviation safety community and highlight how we’re investing in America with projects to help keep American aviation the safest in the world,” the Transportation Secretary began in the caption, revealing beneath the text a horrid image of him pretending to be reading the New York Times.
Continuing, Buttiugieg laid out his entire itinerary for the trip, which he says was to basically promote more exorbitant government spending.
“Our first stop is in Charlotte, NC where we’re funding new end-around taxiways, decreasing the need for planes to cross active runways, improving safety & saving passengers’ time. This year alone, @CLTAirport received $43M in funding from the President’s infrastructure package,” he boasted.
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Buttigieg continued: “Then, we’ll be headed to Little Rock, where work is underway at @LITAirport to reconstruct and realign Taxiway C, eliminating a 5-way intersection “hotspot” – making the airfield safer and reducing the risk of incursions.”
For the record, no one supports less safe airports. As the nation’s runways and skies get more crowded, and as air traffic control towers and cockpits lose thousands of competent employees due to retirement mandates, flying will definitely pose a greater threat. No question, there.
But it isn’t about making flying safer; Buttigieg is incapable of caring about or implementing the much-needed changes. After all, he loves trains – that’s why he’s a great Secretary. He never mentioned planes.
Instead, it’s clear he revels in self-promotion and looking important in a role he is clearly overmatched for. He brought one qualification to the job, and it wasn’t ensuring a robust economy.
“At @DFWAirport, our nation’s second busiest airport, we’ll break ground on the southeast end-around taxiway project which will help planes navigate more safely on the ground – increasing airport capacity and efficiency.,” Buttigieg went on, before adding a final tweet.
“And in Oklahoma City, I’ll be meeting with our next generation of air traffic controllers training at the Mike Monroney Aeronautical Center. Their work and our continued investment in them is a critical part of ensuring that your next flight is safe and operates smoothly,” he concluded.
Instantly, Twitter was awash in hilarious callouts of Mayor Pete.
“Lmao you posted a photo of you flying economy because you are being investigated for bilking the taxpayers into covering your expensive taste for private jets,” one comment said.
“Hey everybody, look at me! I was forced to fly commercial because of all the criticism I received from an investigation into my use of taxpayer-funded private jets by the watchdog group, .@apublictrust! And now I’m under federal investigation too!” another mimicked him saying.
“Will you be traveling by rail anytime soon?” one commenter asked.
“Lol what a loser flying coach,” one user threw in.
“Nice of the airline to let you borrow an Economy seat for a minute for your photo op,” posted a fourth.
Featurd image: Screen shot from embedded Twitter thread, Pete Buttigieg