As the migrant crisis continues to grow worse, more raw numbers are emerging, showing exactly how bad some states are getting. It is well documented what is happening to southern border towns and cities like New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles have whined loudly as they grapple with the consequences of voting Democrat and living in so-called sanctuary cities.
Aside from the strain on the infrastructure, the environmental issues involved with so many people living on the streets and in shelters, and the possibility of terrorists and criminals being turned loose in the country, the actual dollar cost is staggering. To make matters worse, much of what is being spent on migrants is coming straight from the public coffers.
In states like New York and California, where much of the state is deeply Red, policy is controlled by heavily populated voting centers like New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago, which all are deep blue cities. Unfortunately, the tax money being used to house, feed, and cloth illegal migrants comes from tax dollars, so folks in the Red parts of these states have to foot the bill for something they didn’t vote for.
Massachusetts recently revealed some surprising numbers in relation to how much is being spent to feed migrants, and it is more than many people can spend on themselves in a day. State records show that Massachusetts is spending roughly $64 dollars per migrant per day just to feed those in state care. The state is currently spending $16 dollars for breakfast, $17 for lunch, and a whopping $31 per dinner for each individual housed.
As of last August, the state had more than 20,000 migrants in its shelter system, a number that has undoubtedly skyrocketed through Biden’s open border. Capacity overruns have also been reported, with the state utilizing taxpayer-funded facilities like rec centers, and hotels have also been rented as emergency shelters, all on the taxpayer’s dime.
The state of Massachusetts has a long-standing “Right to Shelter” law that requires the state to house the homeless with food preparation areas provided. If there is no kitchen area, as with many hotels and shelters, then the city must provide free food. Of course, this is all taxpayer-funded, but it was never intended to support the vast number of people Biden has facilitated through the southern border.
Part of the controversy lies in how the state is providing these services and how they are paying the vendors. A company called Spinelli Raviol has been contracted and awarded a no-bid, $10 million six-month contract that has many GOP state lawmakers concerned. Republicans are asking for transparency, and Democrats aren’t being forthcoming with any information. Republican State Sen. Peter Durant said, “That’s the concern is the money has to come from somewhere and, so, there’s only really two options. You either raise taxes or you cut services. So, this, all of this kind of flows downhill right straight to the taxpayers.”
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Watch the local news report on the situation here:
It is a common theme many states are dealing with. Not all taxpayers voted for open borders and an explosion of migrants like Biden has given them, yet they must pay the bills. It is all just further evidence that voting has consequences. Hopefully, enough folks will vote the right way in November, and the cleanup in Washington can begin.