After spending over four decades on the show, Pat Sajak concluded his time on”Wheel of Fortune” host. In a bittersweet goodbye, Sajak told fans that it has been an “incredible privilege” to host the critically acclaimed game show since the early 1980s.
“We’re going to cut out a round, which kind of robs you people,'” Sajak told the contestants during his final episode. “Here’s what I’ve decided. It’s been a longtime since I spun the wheel. I’m going to spin it, and I’m going to add $1,000 to whatever I land on and everyone’s going to get that amount.”
Sajak proceeded to spin the wheel, and it landed on $1,000, which granted the contestants $2,000. However, the soon-to-be-retired host upped the ante, stating, “You know what? It’s not my money. Let’s give them all $5,000.”
Sajak’s longtime announcer, Jim, also shared heartfelt words, stating, “I want to thank you, Pat, for the past 13 years as your announcer, keeping me on my toes,” he said before a commercial break. “Thank you, Jim. You know I’ve been around for a long time, and you are the best. Thank you for all the work you’ve done here,” Sajak responded.
During the airing of his final episode, which was broadcast on Friday evening, Sajak left viewers with a heartfelt speech that recounted his experience hosting the show for so many years. “Well, the time has come to say goodbye. I have a few thanks and acknowledgments before I go, and I want to start with all watching out there. It’s been an incredible privilege to be invited into millions of homes night after night, year after year, decade after decade,” he said.
Sajak further detailed the nature of “Wheel of Fortune,” maintaining the goal of providing a safe environment for families to enjoy wholesome entertainment. “I’ve always felt that the privilege came with the responsibility to keep this daily half hour a safe place for family fun,” he said. “No social issues, no politics, nothing embarrassing, I hope, just a game.”
The host added, “What an honor to play even a small part in all of that. Thank you for allowing me into your lives. Every time we taped a show, I met three new people from all parts of this wonderful country and the world who were kind and considerate, who rooted for each other, who took great pride in talking about their family, their hometown, their friends, their schools, their jobs, even their pets. In the end, they were the real stars of this show. I genuinely like these people, and I’ll miss the chance to meet more of them.”
Sajak made it a point to give credit to the staff and crew members who aren’t seen on camera, noting their crucial role in bringing together the show. “To our staff and crew, particularly the veterans with whom I’ve shared this stage for five years, ten years, 20, 30, and more. It’s been a joy working with you. Your skills and dedication and good humor made this place somewhere I’ve always wanted to be. Everyone pulled together and cared about each other and this show. It worked because you made it work. It looked great because you made it look great. And you made my job so much easier. I want you to know that your efforts never went unnoticed by me nor unappreciated. I’ll miss you guys,” he stated.
Sajak concluded his farewell message by discussing the privilege of working with his family, specifically his daughter Maggie, and longtime co-host Vanna White. Signing off for the final time, Pat told the viewers, “Thank you all so very much, and bye.”
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