“Bros” was a movie that surely sounded like a great plot and fantastic idea in the entertainment studio that greenlit the project, but then faltered near-immediately when it ran aground on the rocky shoal of average American opinion, which found the movie utterly unappealing.
That’s because the movie is, like most films coming out of Hollywood nowadays, premised entirely on modern social mores and woke themes, which, even if most people are relatively tolerant of those mores, they don’t want to be bombarded with in a movie theater.
The description of “Bros” makes it clear which modern, woke theme the movie was about: “Bobby is a neurotic podcast host who’s happy to go on Tinder dates and content not to have a serious relationship. That all changes when he meets Aaron, an equally detached lawyer who likes to play the field. Repeatedly drawn to each other, both men begin to show their vulnerable sides as their undeniable attraction turns into something resembling a commitment.”
As could have been predicted, the movie didn’t do great at the box office. Instead of flocking to the theater, Americans largely tuned out and didn’t go see it. “Bros” brought in a dismally small $4.8 million and was screened at 3,350 locations. That’s just a little over $1432 per location, or about 70 tickets (assuming tickets are $20 each, which makes for easier math).
So, of course, the film’s creator, Billy Eichner, went on a hysteric Twitter rant about the movie and people not watching it. Specifically, he went on a tirade demanding that everyone who’s not “homophobic” go see the film. Continuing, he went on to blame “straight people” for its utter flopping, rather than reflecting on why people might not have wanted to see it and promised to make a more compelling movie in the future.
In his Twitter rant, Eichner said, “Last night I snuck in and sat in the back of a sold out theater playing BROS in LA. The audience howled with laughter start to finish, burst into applause at the end, and some were wiping away tears as they walked out. It was truly magical. Really. I am VERY proud of this movie.”
Continuing, he stressed that the entertainment media likes the movie, even if ordinary Americans don’t, saying, “Rolling Stone already has BROS on the list of the best comedies of the 21st century. What’s also true is that at one point a theater chain called Universal and said they were pulling the trailer because of the gay content. (Uni convinced them not to). America, fuck yeah, etc etc.”
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Continuing on that point that the powers that be like the movie and it is “straight people” to blame for it’s flopping, Eichner said, “That’s just the world we live in, unfortunately. Even with glowing reviews, great Rotten Tomatoes scores, an A CinemaScore etc, straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn’t show up for Bros. And that’s disappointing but it is what it is.”
Then he demanded people go see the movie if they aren’t “homophobic,” saying, “Everyone who ISN’T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight! You will have a blast! And it *is* special and uniquely powerful to see this particular story on a big screen, esp for queer folks who don’t get this opportunity often. I love this movie so much. GO BROS!!! ”
Later argued that the box office isn’t what matters. In his words: “Box office, as we all know, has absolutely nothing to do with the quality of a movie. And tweeting about a movie you haven’t actually seen is meaningless. That’s just twitter bullshit. The majority of people who see Bros really love it! Go check it out and see for yourself!” He added, “And yes I’m going to continue tweeting about Bros every day for the next year just to spite you! GO BROS!!! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!#BrosMovie”