The Dems are freaking out at the prospect of Trump re-entering politics. At this point, it’s all but certain that the former president will announce his bid for the 2024 presidency.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi stated in a recent interview with ABC News that it would be “bad news for the country” if Trump were to run again.
Donald Trump has been hinting for weeks that he is going to make a “big announcement” sometime very soon. In fact, Trump has most recently indicated it will occur tomorrow. “I’m going to be making a very big announcement on Tuesday, November 15 at Mar-a-lago in Palm Beach, Florida,” the former president said.
Many are anticipating this “big announcement” to be a declaration to run in 2024. Confirming this suspicion, one of Trump’s close advisers said, “President Trump is going to announce on Tuesday that he’s running for president. And it’s going to be a very professional, very buttoned-up announcement.”
It’s safe to say the media will be on fire tomorrow, all at the hand’s of Trump’s pending announcement.
Pelosi went on to say, “This will be a very important election, very dispositive of the direction our country will go in,” and then pledged full support for a Biden re-election campaign.
She further stated:
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“President Biden has been a great president for our country. Over 10 million jobs under his leadership. Working with the private sector, of course. He has just done so many things that are so great.”
“He’s put money in people’s pockets, vaccines in their arms, children back to school, people back to work, for starters, creating 10 million jobs.
“He has made America independent by passing the CHIPS bill that says we’re no longer reliant on those who would withhold products that enable us to manufacture in our country. The [Inflation Reduction Act]… $368 billion in good-paying green jobs, clean air, clean water for our children, national security issue to stop migrations and competition for habitat and food, as well as honoring our responsibility to future generations.
“The PACT Act, honoring our veterans, the bipartisan infrastructure bill, all of it with justice, with equity, with inclusiveness, with diversity, taking us to a new place. He has been a great president and he has a great record to run on.”
The idea that Biden has succeeded on any of these issues is absurd. Backing this idea, two-thirds of midterm voters said they would not like to see Biden seek re-election in 2024.
However, Democrats performed a lot better than expected during the midterms, defying expectations. Many anticipated a sweeping red wave to occur.
Some experts saw the midterm results as a measure for Biden’s prospects at seeking re-election. Historian Douglas Brinkley said, for example:
“If Biden can hold on to a Democratic Senate, then he’ll be in the catbird seat to run for re-election. Now, if it’s a red wave and the Republicans win the Congress and Senate, there’s going to be a drumroll for Biden to not be the party’s nominee.”
Unfortunately for Republicans, there has been recent division over who should lead the party. Some want to distance themselves from Trump and support a candidate like Ron DeSantis. Others maintain their loyalty to Trump, the founder of the contemporary MAGA movement.
Regardless, Republicans need to get it together and find some cohesion as not to divide the party ahead of 2024 and make it easier for a Biden re-election.
-Macro Conservative