Florida’s Val Demmings, the Democrat challenger to two-term Republican incumbent Marco Rubio, got crushed in Tuesday’s election cycle. Demmings didn’t just lose, but was resoundingly defeated despite spending a fortune in the state in a vain effort to convince voters that more support for Joe Biden and radical leftist policies were what Floridians wanted.
With almost 90% of precincts reporting by 9:00pm eastern time, Rubio had amassed over four million votes to Demming’s meager three million.
FUN FACT: Val Demings and the Democrats spent $73 million dollars to lose to Marco Rubio by over a million votes.
— ForAmerica (@ForAmerica) November 9, 2022
Fox News provided this brief backdrop of failed Senate candidate Demings:
Demings, the Democratic nominee and Orlando’s first female chief of police, is currently the representative of Florida’s 10th Congressional District, but gave up her seat in an effort to oust the Republican Senator.
The state of Florida, which as recently as 2012 sent its electoral votes to Barack Obama and barely tilted in favor of Ron DeSantis in 2018 by the slim margin of 49.6% to 49.2%, is witnessing a historical revival of conservatism.
On the same evening as Rubio destroyed his competition, Governor Ron DeSantis also delivered an epic smackdown on his Democrat opponent, Charlie Crist. As mentioned, just four years ago DeSantis barely squeaked into office; just four years later his reelection was barely sweated out.
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In the final tally, DeSantis likewise appears to be winning by over one million votes. With most votes counted, he is clobbering Crist by an even wider margin of 59% to 40%. On raw tallies, that amounts to about 4.3 million votes to just 2.9 million. How some people could vote for DeSantis and Demmings on the same ticket is another conversation.
All told, the red wave continues to be sweeping across the country. While Rubio and DeSantis are not new takings for Republicans, their victories aline signify a growing distaste for radical leftist policies and a break from previous voting trends.
Moreover, some swings have already been documented. In Guam, for example, The American Tribune reported that Republicans took a seat not held in three decades and in an area that just two years ago swung for Joe Biden by 13% in a national straw poll.
Featured image: AFGE, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons