Major League Baseball has found itself at the epicenter of a war of social ideologies multiple times this season. First, the league had to battle against boycotts after teams like the Los Angeles Dodgers decided to hold LGBTQ Pride Nights at regular season games. Now, a group of Seattle homeless activists are promising to “F*** up” the MLB All-Star game after the city’s homeless population was removed from the downtown area.
In a tweet shared by Katie Daviscourt, a flier can be seen that has been passed throughout the homeless community of Seatle. On it, their plans are detailed down to the day, explaining exactly how they plan to disrupt next week’s festivities.
The Seattle homeless community announced that they will be going to war during the MLB All-Star game.
Homeless vagrants plan to occupy the parking lots of tailgate areas in defiance of the city removing their encampments before the game.
“Let’s f*ck their day up.”
— Katie Daviscourt (@KatieDaviscourt) July 6, 2023
The flier contains a mission statement by the group, explaining why they are doing what they plan to do. “They’ve been pushing us around for months,” it reads. “Hoping to clear us out of sight for the MLB All-Star Game on July 11. Let’s make sure all their work was for nothing.”
It is yet to be seen whether the group will actually materialize in large enough numbers for this protest to be effective, but if they do, it begs the question: Why are you taking the time to organize an event meant to ruin someone else’s hard work when you could spend time trying to better your own situation through hard work?
Farther down on the flier ironically reads, “When the Tailgaters and rich a**holes show up for the big game they’re going to find exactly what the city worked so hard to prevent: US!” That is at least a little bit ironic, isn’t it? The city wanted to remove a group because they were seen as a disruptive nuisance, so that same group will disrupt the biggest summer event in the city. Brilliant, they’ll be certain to want you back once this disaster of a protest is over!
An eloquent slogan also graces the top of the flier, with the alliteration of f-bombs somehow being the best idea the group could muster. “F*** Baseball – F*** This Mayor – F*** This City.” To conclude their daring rallying cry, they exclaim, “Let’s F*** Their Day Up.”
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I am certainly no expert in peaceful protest, but I have to say, it seems that this plan can only backfire on the homeless population of Seattle. Either too few people show up, which would be disastrous for the claim that tons of people are affected by the city’s policy, or they get a great turnout, and the citizens of Seattle begin to loathe them even more for ruining one of the few things not yet destroyed by crime and vagrancy in the formerly beautiful city. Seems like a total lose-lose for everyone involved.
All of this is allegedly in response to the city removing homeless encampments in the leadup to the All-Star game. One would have to think that this is standard practice for any city that is setting up for a large event that will be viewed on national television, but this group of homeless activists would clearly beg to differ.