Missouri Republican Senator Josh Hawley did not mince words during a Friday evening appearance on Tucker Carlson’s eponymous “Tonight” show. As the two discussed foreign policy, Hawley made it clear whose war this was and therefore whose responsibility it was to fund and fight.
“Let the Europeans take the lead on Europe. It is time to put the working people of this country first, to make those folks strong again, and to make this country strong again,” Hawley remarked, noting that this simple concept would produce two great results – the strengthening of Europe as well as the strengthening of the United States.
Take a look as Hawley contrasted the popular mainstream narratives.
Josh Hawley: "It’s time to say to the Europeans, no more welfare for your countries. Let the Europeans take the lead on Europe! We need to put the people of our country first." pic.twitter.com/ZAZi6gh7gw
— Apex World News (@apexworldnews) February 25, 2023
“I mean, the truth is that Joe Biden, and let’s face it, congressional Republicans have spent over $100 billion and counting on the Ukraine war, and meanwhile, the folks in East Palestine have poison in the water, poison in the air. It is clear that our infrastructure in this country is crumbling, and what is this administration doing about it?” the Missouri’s senior Senator said. “Frankly, what is Congress doing about it? Not a whole heck of a lot.”
“And I think that that’s a stark contrast, and I would just say to Republicans, listen, you can either be the party of Ukraine and the globalists, or you can be the party of East Palestine and the working people of this country, but it is time to say to the Europeans, no more welfare for Europeans,” he added. “Let the Europeans take the lead on Europe. It is time to put the working people of this country first, to make those folks strong again, and to make this country strong again.”
After being posted on the site Free Republic, a link to an article on Breitbart produced fiery commentary from users on the right-leaning platform.
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“It has been nearly 80 years since the end of WWII. Western Europe’s economy is about the size of the US. If Western Europe will not fund and take care of its own defense today, it never will. The American taxpayer cannot defend “freedom” around the world forever,” one commenter noted. “The maintenance of the military industrial complex of a size to project power globally is now destroying freedom at home. We’ve done more than our duty for Europe. Bring the troops home from around the world and secure our own border.”
“Trump was correct with such remarks as the overly expensive new headquarters for the bureaucracy called NATO, and beyond,” wrote another. “To disrupt the status quo was considered “dangerous” by all those for whom the status quo was paying them very well indeed.”
“When we were legal residents of Germany, we met those who were clearly aware that the US was helping support Germany and were unsurprisingly expecting it to go on in perpetuity. Why not? Other people’s money is easy to spend, and when other people’s money is withdrawn, those who have been enjoying the gravy train get angry and insulted,” the user continued. “The phenomenon is EXACTLY the same here in the states. Gimme. Gimme. Gimme.”
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