In the aftermath of Judge Juan Merchan’s sentencing of Donald Trump with an “unconditional discharge,” the president-elect’s legal team has warned those who have come after Trump legally. During an appearance on conservative commentator Benny Johnson’s show, Trump’s lawyer, Mike Davis, stated that the tables would be turned following the incoming president’s inauguration.
Speaking about the sentencing, which occurred just days before Trump’s inauguration, Davis said, “I’m glad the Democrats had their cathartic sentencing today, because it is going to backfire and backfire spectacularly.” Sending a clear message to Trump’s opponents, he said, “Because right now, the Democrats think they’re the hunters, and guess what? On January 20, at noon, they’re going to become the hunted.”
Without mincing any words, Davis outlined his objective of having Judge Merchan held accountable. “And I’m going to make damn sure of that as a private citizen at the Article Three Project, exercising my God-given right to speak and to lobby governments, I’m going to make God damn sure the Trump 47 Justice Department opens a criminal probe, but I’m going to make damn sure that happens. I’m going to make that my very public advocacy every day until Juan Merchan’s ass is in prison,” he confidently said.
Johnson questioned Davis on the specifics of what could be brought against Merchan, asking, “Can you please walk me through what potential charges would be brought against Juan Merchan in this case? You say you want to throw his ass in prison. Walk me through the landscape there.” Without missing a beat, Davis sounded off on Merchan.
“Mike, I want to throw his third-world Marxist trash ass in prison, and then revoke his citizenship and send him back to Cali Cartel, or wherever the hell he came from in Colombia,” he initially said. Diving into the legal weeds, he added, “And let me tell you what it is. It’s 18 us, C, section 241, conspiracy against rights, a very serious federal civil rights felony, and when you politicize and weaponize Intel agencies and law enforcement to go after your political enemies for non crimes, which is exactly what happens here you have you have committed that very serious federal Civil Rights felony.”
Building on this point and encouraging Merchan to obtain legal counsel in the coming days, he continued, “And judges are not immune from 18 USC, section 241, so I would say to Juanita, Juanito, or whatever the hell this judge’s name is, this third-world Marxist trash, that you better lawyer up, buddy, because there has to be a criminal probe.”
“You are corrupt, you are partisan, you are dangerous.” Leaning into accusations that Merchan’s family profited from the case, he continued, “And your adult daughter, Lauren, Merchan, made a lot of money off this, and you sat on this case. There’s a reason they picked you, because you are a stooge,” he said, before calling out other figures in the lawfare against Trump, labeling them puppets at the disposal of powerful Democrats.
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He concluded, “You’re like, you’re just like Alvin Bragg and Tish James and Matthew Colangelo and Fanny Willis and Nathan Wade, you guys are just bottom of the barrel, lawyers and judges, the dumbest people in the legal system, so the George Soros types can use you and manipulate you like puppets, like for example, putting your adult daughter Lauren on Democrat payroll and making her a lot of money, which is corruption, by Judge Merchan to stay on this case.”
Watch Trump’s lawyer below:
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