What dominating motivation unites the current left? White hatred. Whether it’s Critical Race Theory explaining how terrible white people of the past were, affirmative action policies keeping white men out of prestigious jobs and schools, the opioid crises unleashed on Appalachia by the Sacklers and ignored by the Democratic Party, or the lies peddled by the media about how white people are the problem, everything they do is directed at tearing down whites.
Such was made even more obvious than normal this week in a “Hutu Power Radio”-like piece in the Los Angeles Times titled “How white and affluent drivers are polluting the air breathed by L.A.’s people of color”. That piece, written by a Jewish leftist named “Sammy Roth,” launched predictable invectives against white people. In it, Mr. Roth says:
“I couldn’t help but consider my own complicity while reading a new study from USC researchers, finding that Angelenos who drive more tend to be exposed to less air pollution — and Angelenos who drive less tend to be exposed to more pollution.
“It may sound like a paradox, but it’s not. It’s a function of the racism that shaped this city and its suburbs, and continues to influence our daily lives — and a stark reminder of the need for climate solutions that benefit everyone.
“[…]He told me it largely comes down to the shameful history of Los Angeles County’s low-income communities of color being torn apart to make way for freeways — a history that has been extensively documented by The Times. Today, many residents of the county’s whiter, more affluent neighborhoods — who were often able to keep highways out of their own backyards — commute to work through lower-income Black and Latino neighborhoods bisected by the 10, 110 and 105 freeways and more.
“It’s not like commuters are coming in and shopping in those communities, patronizing restaurants,” Boeing said. “They’re just driving through to get from one side of the city to the other.”
Predictably, Roth also pats himself on the back and determines that the real fault lies with white people, who need to do ever more, saying, “I realize it’s not on my shoulders alone to make up for a long history of racist housing policies and freeway construction. The same goes for you, if you’ve also benefited from that history. Finding ways to minimize and reverse ongoing inequities, while solving the climate crisis, is a project for all of society — government, industry and individuals alike.”
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Darryl Cooper, a podcaster who goes by “MartyrMade” on Twitter, summed up the article best, saying:
Hutu Power Radio has an announcement to make https://t.co/geA9nRfan0
— Martyr Made 🦉🪓 (@martyrmade) March 9, 2023
How long until the anti-white ideologues like Mr. Roth go full NKVD and start shooting white drivers for daring to drive their vehicles through “communities of color”? How long until the BLM types riled up by Mr. Roth and his ilk and go full Hutu on whites in LA or other multi-racial communities? If pieces like his continue to spew hate toward whites, the answer might be, sadly, “sooner than you think.”